So... We got the book Saturday, Garry was done by Sunday. I started it Sunday night, but still had company until Wednesday, then had to recoup from the company, so I didn't get much reading done. I didn't want to see any media, or hear any hype and spoil the book for me, so I took drastic steps on Friday and stayed in bed all day reading. I started at 9:30 and was done by 4:30. I am sad to be done as I will never anticipate a release of a new Harry Potter book again. But am excited to have been a part of it all. I loved the book and do feel a bit sad that it's over. I just watched the interview with JK Rowling on Dateline (I'd DVR'd it as we were in CA when it aired) and am experiencing a new wave of sadness that it's all over, but like her, am looking forward to two new movies and time in my life when I can reread them all back to back!! If you're not into Harry Potter, you need to be!!
You know I don't read. And, I have a problem staying awake in movies and the movies have been so long that I'm not even sure what its all about and (I've seen all the movies except for this last one out now, and I still don't know) BUT, I'm sad about it too!! It's fun to see EVERYONE getting excited and talking about the books. Yeah for Harry Potter!!
I watched an interview with JK and she said she is coming out with a Harry Potter Encylopedia, within the next couple of years.
The encylopedia is supposed to, among other things, chronicle the lives of every character... from where they came from to what happened to them and where they are now.
She said she wrote an even more extensive epilogue and detailed all of the characters lives. She just decided it didn't fit in the book and chose to save it for the encyclopedia. So other than Book 6 and 7's movie release we still have another HP Book to look forward to.
I did hear about the encyclopedia and can't wait for that!!
Harry Potter rocks! I want to buy them on cd or tape
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