First off, I hate daylight savings. I think we should just stay at this time year round. I love spring. I love when it stays light later, but I hate the mental struggle that comes with " sprining forward". I could not fall asleep last night. Even though I was so tired about 6:00 that I was struggling to keep my eyes open, 10:00 came around and I was wide awake. Saw midnight with those same eyes and was livid with myself. Did not like seeing 6:00 am this morning!! Supposedly a study has been done that daylight savings saves on energy, but seriously, did anyone check with Arizona?? Are they topping everyone in the lack of conserving energy department??
Secondly, After having taken a few years off volleyball, with Talon graduated, we are finally in the swing of volleyball again. That has caused a few wrinkles in our daily life that have made us have to make some changes. I am so looking forward to watching volleyball for the next two months, but I am not liking having to juggle and reschedule piano lessons and I have to be super organized in my cooking and try to have crock pot, or easy meals ready when we get home from the games. Heaven knows, we can't afford to eat out after every game. Garry went to a little preseason tournament Tanner had last week and they stopped at Arby's on the way home and the bill for the two of them was $17.00!! YIKES! Pigs!!
Third, remember my new years resolution to lose 30 pounds. Well, I have started walking again and I really enjoy that, especially after taking the fall off because I was feeling soooo yucky. But let me just say, I've purchased a few "toning" DVD's and they are kicking my BUTT!! That's a good thing though, but last week, I was so sore from squats and lunges, I could hardly move!! Luckily, the pain has gone away, but those darn DVD's are still their calling my name!! Hopefully, I'll see good changes from this!
Last, I was released yesterday from Primary President and put in as RS pianist. I fell good about this. I will miss the kids as I love teaching and being with kids. But the new president will be wonderful and so I feel they are in good hands. My other main concern was that they get a good chorister and they did, so I'm good to go. I am looking forward to my personal spiritual growth that will come with attending Sunday School and Relief Society. It has been a LONG time! I will so miss my associations with my presidency. It was wonderful having three other women to work with and get to know on a personal level whom I can now call friends for life!! But in most cases: Change is good!

17 dollars! Oh my goodness! I think our whole family eats cheaper than that! But, then again, Arby's is kind of on the pricier side of fast food.
That's so sad that you got released! You were so great in there, and I'm sure those kids are going to miss you!
That's why we never go to Arby's!
Very interesting thoughts about changes! The daylight savings is good in that it gives us more time in the light to "play", but the transition is strictly for the birds! I feel sad that you have been released, but, a job does get a little stagnant sometimes! RS pianist gives you a chance to use that talent--which is a god thing! I love being organist and hope to NEVER be released, but I know it is coming because SL is back from her mission! Good for you on the exercise. It makes such a difference! Keep it up! Wish we were closer so we could watch Tanner play. What is his schedule? Whoever thinks they can live without a crockpot is WRONG!
Please don't tell me I'm going to be the wolf den leader for 5 years...also, do you have pictures of your wedding ring yet? That is a change too! got released? I'm glad you're okay with it. Who's in the new presidency?
I remember when I was released from being the Primary president--I hated the thought of going to RS! But, I eventually grew to love it, too, and the changes it brought for me. It was just so hard leaving those cute little kids in Primary. As for Arby's, we have one close to our house in UT but we rarely go to it because of the $$. And I agree with Gwen--WHO could live without a Crock Pot? I still have only watched my exercise DVD--slacker that I am--so way to go that you're walking AND using your DVD.
It was a fun 3 years in Primary. You were a great President!! We can all go to RS together and sit by each other. I am a little intimidated by the thought of RS and not knowing everyone. It's a weird feeling to not be in Primary anymore....
Thanks, now I have that song in my head and can't get it out:)
I'm glad you have good replacements that makes your transition nicer to deal with. I'm excited for you to go to RS.
I agree, AZ may have best idea. My internal clock springing forward isn't doing well, either. The bright side is, you can walk after dinner in the daylight now, just not if you do Arbys'.
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