It has been college week at Taz's middle school. They've had to wear various t-shirts and things this week such as what they want to be when they grow up shirts and a college t-shirt etc. Well, today being Friday it is "Rebel" day and they are supposed to wear UNLV colors and shirts and jersey's. Not my boy! I've raised him right...True Blue all the way:)
In other news, we picked up Tanner's bday present last Sunday. He loves it. The old one is still sitting in my dining room, but we found someone who wants it, so it will be gone soon and the piano tuner is coming Tuesday, can't wait, it so needs a good tune-up.
Either you raised him right, or you don't let him bye Rebel clothes?:)
Sounds like hes a rebel for not being a rebel....or something like that. Piano looks awesome!
Maybe a little of both! Love the piano!!
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