I wait and wait for the weekend to "sleep in", but my darn body just wakes up at it's normal time~about 6:00 am. Garry has the same problem. Well, Saturday, we were the first ones up and we were just hanging out on the couch channel surfing. We came across "Metal Mania" on VH1 Classics channel. It was an hour show and so it showed good metal videos as opposed to the three hour show that can show weird videos. Anyway, I digress. Anyone that know me well knows that I love 80's metal band songs and videos. As we were sitting there on the couch, my all time fav. band and person came on...Jon Bon Jovi. I LOVE that guy! He is my celebrity crush:) I just think he's a good person. He's been married to his High School Sweetheart for 20 plus years, he has four kids, he does a lot of charity work and he's sooo handsome. Watching that show on the couch with Garry brought me back to our college years, no kids, lots of time together and most of it spent attending every rock band concert we could find at the Salt Palace. Those were the good old years!! Anyway, this is my shout out to Bon Jovi...Love 'em!!