I have been wanting to reorganize my pantry for 2 months now. I finally felt I had the time to devote to it this morning. I was determined to finish it in 2 hours. I started at 9:15 and finished by 10:45!! Before:


I really needed to do it as I had just gone to Smith's the day before and bought 9 cases of food at their semi-annual case sale. Miraculously, Garry found room for all of those cases. Now there's even more room...I'm going to Smith's!!
Your pantry looks so nice! It's quite an accomplishment--especially those bottom shelves!
Can I hire you to organize my pantry? Of course, I'll have to go to Smith's to get some food to put in it--my cupboards are a little bare.
Nice. I didn't see any Postum in there. Ha Ha - or is it suppose to be "LOL"?
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