So much happened in May and our computer wasn't working through some of it, so I had to back track and play catch up for a whole month and a very long 31 day month at that. So, here I go: Memories of May
Mom, Dad, Ky, Kres and Beckham came up for a week to watch Tanner's last week of volleyball. They were able to go to two games and my end of year piano recital. It was a fun and busy week filled with volleyball, field trips to Ethel M's cactus garden, swimming and way to late nights playing games. We were all exhausted when they left, but the time together was so worth it. They arrived late Sunday night and Garry read them a bedtime story before bed.
Piano recital time.

Volleyball games.

Wii just dance fun.

Lot's of little lizards to see at the cactus garden.

Too fast to catch though. (And a little to scared of them to really try hard!)

Game playing...Beckham was great with the Taboo buzzer!

Bonding time aplenty.

Swimming and sunburns to go around.

Movie watching.
Playing at the park.

After they left, we even had time to make a teacher appreciation gift for TA week.
Tanner's volleyball team had an end of year tournament where they took third place.

Cynjyn had an end of year choir performance.

We went to a production of Wizrard of Oz at the Henderson Pavillion for $10.00/person. It was really good.

Friends came over to swim when the weather was hot.

Taz got two awards at the end of school assembly.
He got academic excellence awards for science and math.

Tanner's ballroom dance grouped performed at Silverado's end of year dance recital.

That night, his car got a flat tire and he changed it all by himself, in the dark, in 30 minutes.
It happened to be the same night as our Father's and Son's outing, so only Garry and Taz went this year. Cynjyn and I hung out with Toni and Maggie Thatcher, we went to BJ's for dinner then came back to our house to make washer necklaces and bead bracelets. We also watched two episodes of Season 1 Psych. A fun night, but no pictures:(

Tanner had two big projects to do for AP History. He had to make a model of a labor assembly line, or something like that. He had fun chopping apart little plastic army men to make them look like assembly workers.

And he had to make a model of an old fashioned phone. Well, let's just say Garry made it, but we put Tanner's phone in it and it actually worked. You could talk through and hear from it.

Taz had a court of honor and got 7 merit badges.

The local weather man came to Cynjyn's class and took pictures and showed them on the local news the next morning. Here is a picture of the TV. Can you find her? She's in black.

Taz had an end of year band concert.

Tanner has officially bonded with the volleyball team and they are here at the house most weekends playing video games, football, and eating our food! Here they are leaving to go see Pirates 4.

Cynjyn, Tanner, Garry and I went to Old Navy Saturday for their Memorial Day sale and all got lots of stuff. Everything was on clearance and so Cynjyn and I wore our stuff to church yesterday. I got my two shirts for $2.50 each and Cynjyn's dress was $9.00.
All in all, we spent $130.00 and got about 20-25 items of clothing! Score for us. Taz was home asleep because he had been at the end of school leadership lockin and was up all night. He ended up coming home at 7 am and sleeping till 4:00pm. We looked for clothes for him, but found nothing in his size on sale.
And finally, I tried a co-op for produce where you pay $15.00 and pick up your stuff every Saturday morning. It was the first time I tried it with three other ladies in our ward and I got all this. I paid an extra $10.00 for 5 loaves of 9-grain bread which is absolutly YUMMY! I also paid $5.00 extra to go in a box of oranges with two other ladies. I was happy with what I got. I will probably do it again.
Volleyball games.
Wii just dance fun.
Lot's of little lizards to see at the cactus garden.
Too fast to catch though. (And a little to scared of them to really try hard!)
Game playing...Beckham was great with the Taboo buzzer!
Bonding time aplenty.
Swimming and sunburns to go around.
After they left, we even had time to make a teacher appreciation gift for TA week.
Cynjyn had an end of year choir performance.
We went to a production of Wizrard of Oz at the Henderson Pavillion for $10.00/person. It was really good.
Friends came over to swim when the weather was hot.
Taz got two awards at the end of school assembly.
Tanner's ballroom dance grouped performed at Silverado's end of year dance recital.
That night, his car got a flat tire and he changed it all by himself, in the dark, in 30 minutes.
It happened to be the same night as our Father's and Son's outing, so only Garry and Taz went this year. Cynjyn and I hung out with Toni and Maggie Thatcher, we went to BJ's for dinner then came back to our house to make washer necklaces and bead bracelets. We also watched two episodes of Season 1 Psych. A fun night, but no pictures:(
Tanner had two big projects to do for AP History. He had to make a model of a labor assembly line, or something like that. He had fun chopping apart little plastic army men to make them look like assembly workers.
And he had to make a model of an old fashioned phone. Well, let's just say Garry made it, but we put Tanner's phone in it and it actually worked. You could talk through and hear from it.
Taz had a court of honor and got 7 merit badges.
The local weather man came to Cynjyn's class and took pictures and showed them on the local news the next morning. Here is a picture of the TV. Can you find her? She's in black.
Taz had an end of year band concert.
Tanner has officially bonded with the volleyball team and they are here at the house most weekends playing video games, football, and eating our food! Here they are leaving to go see Pirates 4.
Cynjyn, Tanner, Garry and I went to Old Navy Saturday for their Memorial Day sale and all got lots of stuff. Everything was on clearance and so Cynjyn and I wore our stuff to church yesterday. I got my two shirts for $2.50 each and Cynjyn's dress was $9.00.
And finally, I tried a co-op for produce where you pay $15.00 and pick up your stuff every Saturday morning. It was the first time I tried it with three other ladies in our ward and I got all this. I paid an extra $10.00 for 5 loaves of 9-grain bread which is absolutly YUMMY! I also paid $5.00 extra to go in a box of oranges with two other ladies. I was happy with what I got. I will probably do it again.
Wow! Busy, busy! My sister does the co-op thing almost every week and loves it.
Whew! you guys were busy and with fun too, except the flat tire...
Sounds like a good month! Busy, but fun too!
We enjoyed every minute we were there! Congratulations to all of your outstanding kids for their awards and accomplishments! Nice TA gift!
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