A little over a month ago, our ward Family History Rep met with the youth in the quorum presidencies and their parents in our homes to encourage the youth to get their own personal temple recommends and then go to the temple with their family to do baptisms for the dead. They are good for one year and he met with
Taz, Garry and I.
Taz was excited and
immediately that next Sunday got his recommend. We encouraged Tanner to get his too and he did. Now they have a standard to live up to each year just beyond their conviction to be good, now they are temple recommend holders.

So, last Saturday, the Laurels were doing a class temple trip and asked Garry and Tanner to come a long since they
hometeach one of the Laurels.
Taz and I also came and we were able to baptize about 30 names my mom had given us plus Garry's mom and dad and sister.
Taz was baptized for his grandpa and Tanner was confirmed for him. We had a laurel in our ward (Jessi Thomson) baptize his sister and mom and I was confirmed for them. It was an
exhilarating experience. After the session, we ate with the Laurels in the cafeteria.
Taz now wants to go to St. George and do baptisms there and also in Boise sometime this summer. It's very satisfying to see your children so excited about temple work.
1 comment:
I turned some names in to have the work done--I love that kids like yours are willing to do it for me.
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