Even though his Board of Review was earilier in the spring, we had decided to have his Court of Honor in August because that is when most of my family could be here for it. His friend Lawson asked if he could join in with us and have a joint one. It was great having the added help and ideas from his family.
Linda (his mom) made this awesome cake. Lawson actually made the Eagles out of Sculpey clay. It turned out so cute. We had asked a friend of ours to make the cake, but she was pregnant and wasn't doing cakes so Linda said she'd do it.! Love her.
We had a table set up with their Eagle pictures. I took Taz's pictures myself and edited them. I think they turned out great. I'll show a few at the end.
Linda's mom and sister made some cookies, I made two batches of homemade ice cream (Peppermint and Coconut cherry chocolate chunk) and Garry made Salsa.
Lawson's dad is a fireman and so he had a few of his fellow firemen come and do the flag (John is second from left).
He also had a friend who played the bagpipes come for the flag ceremony.
His scout master Charles Thomas had just moved out of the ward about a month earlier, so he came back and talked.
Garry was the scout master before him and so he talked. (We had a slide show going during that)
My dad did a flag folding presentation.
Tanner and Talon folded the flag during that and presented it to Taz afterwards.
We had an Eagle's nest.
Then the awarding of the parents pins and Eagle to Taz.
And here they are with the Young Men's president, Dave Tanner being presented as the newest Eagles.
Here is a picture of my three Eagle son's, their Eagle Grandpa and Garry (No he isn't an Eagle Scout, but is very instrumental in them receiving theirs.)
Grandma and Grandpa with them...always supportive and making sure they try to attend all the important events in my children's lives.
Krissy, Clay, Ky, Kres and Beckham all made it up for this event. They are the best and always supportive of my kids and me. Love them!
And a family picture depicting a great night.
He even had an early birthday celebration and got his presents from Krissy and Grandma early. Krissy painted him this Eagle.
Grandma got him three new model planes to work on. He was so happy!
These below are my favorites!
And my top two favorites.
And my favorite, the one I choose for my wall.!
Great job Taz. We love you and are so very proud of you!
This is the best Eagle Court of Honor I have ever seen! Fireman, bagpipes, great cake, and amazing photos of Taz. Wow! Congratulations to Taz!
Im so proud of taz! Good job kid! And he is one good looking fellow(: good job on the pictures kim!
I agree with Carol--one of the nicest Courts I have been to! Congratulations to talented, handsome and smart Taz. I love you and am so proud of all of my Goon grandkids! Gma
I agree with Carol--one of the nicest Courts I have been to! Congratulations to talented, handsome and smart Taz. I love you and am so proud of all of my Goon grandkids! Gma
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