With the end of May came the end of school. Tanner napped on the floor.
I made some fruit leather with the left over strawberries from California and some quickly ripening Mangos we had. |
We played a lot of games now that Tanner was home. |
Taz had his end of year volleyball banquet. He got scholar athlete again for maintaining a 4.0 during the season. |
Taz's team had a building year this year and so he was a back row defense specialist. They didn't go far, but he made some friends and had a fun time. This was coach Schwallie's last year of coaching. His wife has cancer and he needed to take time with her. |
I took these crazies to the movies. We saw Malificent even though we are in front of How to Train your Dragon. |
We bought a foosball table at a garage sale for $20.00 |
Taz won outstanding sophomore for band. |
I won a Starbucks gift card at the end of year staff party. |
Cynjyn won most improved in band. |
I made Rita (the choir teacher) some end of year gifts. |
We did our annual last day of school lunch. Talon had the day off, so he went with us, but Tanner had to babysit. |
Cynjyn had school friends over to watch scary movies and shows. |
Talon and Mikel devoured juicy plumcots over the sink and trash so they wouldn't drip down their shirts. |
Cynjyn and her ELA group had a book/paper burning party in the hot sun and got super hot before they were half way done. |
And the Friday after school got out, Taz and Cynjyn had their wisdom teeth pulled! |
Taz went first and was most nervous to get the IV |
Cynjyn went second and was most nervous about the swelling afterwards. |
Taz looks a little more chipper because he'd been out of the anesthesia longer. |
He held Cynjyn's head up for her in the car. He was very protective of her and helped her inside the house and made sure she was comfy. |
I gave them white boards to communicate with. They weren't eating much that first day and even the second, but then they started healing and feeling better.
Taz went to a party the next night at Alexis Hills house. Lawson had his teeth done the exact same time. They both were pretty funny. |
Cynjyn did swell, but not too bad.
I've been painting my fingernails more lately and these were some of the design's I did.
Cynjyn dropped her IPhone and broke it and Garry bought a set of tools and looked up on YouTube how to fix it and managed to make it work again!
He also helped me assemble flag stands for some flags I sewed for girls camp.
We took them to mutual the Tuesday before camp and the girls had to come up with a tribe name and decorate a flag for our Survivor themed girls camp.
All of us except Talon went to Fault in our Stars. We were prepared with kleenex for the movie. We needed them!
We managed to get Cynjyn to play a game with us, so of course I had to document that. We played Sequence.
Taz and Garry went to a Teacher/Priest outing in Utah for three days, so I took these three to see the new XMen movie. We all loved it!
Talon and Tanner helped me cut and burn some rope and PVC piped for Girls camp and then they decided to have a little fun with the rope and our catwalk.
Taz made chocolate ties during Sunday School to give Garry for Father's Day. He also got a gift card to Olive Garden and Buffalo Wild Wings from Talon and Tanner and Cynjyn.
For the Teacher/Priest outing the boys went up to Utah and stayed in Brother Van's cabin at Park City. One day they hiked up Mt. Timpanogas. |

They went to Cabella's and had fun with the stuffed animals.
They cleared some dead trees as a service project.
They experienced the Alpine Slides at Park City.
There was also a roller coaster.
There were injuries.
They went to the This is the Place Monument.
And visited Temple Square.
Taz loved the model of the SLC temple.
They went to the conference center.
And got a group picture with the Christus.
Taz sustained injuries also. Apparently Brother Van and Lawson had them too. They were all from crashing on the Alpine slides.
Everyone had a great time and memorable experiences.
One summer night, Taz had friends spend the night. Apparently they had a Nerf gun war at 1:00am. It was dark and Taz fell down the stairs and jamed his knee into the wall.
We found this note and hole the next morning.
Garry made him help him patch it up and fix it and paint it.
Dodie was in a pinch for a musical number for a sacrament meeting. She asked Tanner if he had anything ready to play and he did! He played We'll Bring the World His Truth the next Sunday.
Elder Farr was the last of Mikel's converting elders to leave. He came over the Sunday before we left for Oregon to say goodbye. It was a sad night, but Mikel is doing great and they should be proud of their efforts. Mikel also got a calling that night as a co teacher in primary teaching the 10 year olds. She wanted a primary calling and will be awesome at it.
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