I've digressed on my blog and got side tracked with the feast and Labor Day festivities, so I'm going to back track a little bit.When I last left off, Taz had just turned 16!. He got a back to school haircut and a cute card in the mail from his Aunt Cathy that his cousin Caitlyn had made. It was a licensee with his picture as a little boy on it. He loved it and keeps it to this day in his room on display. The Monday after he turned 16, we had an appointment to get his licenses with the DMV. He failed his first time. So, we promptly returned the next morning at 6am and were the first in line for standby. He was called to test at 8 am and this time he passed! He was so excited to drive himself to band camp that afternoon! Of course, it's always stressful and worrisome for a mom when their child takes off. But I'm slowly getting used to it.
We played a lot of Pinochle and games in general knowing Talon would start new work house soon and Tanner was leaving soon. |
section in band won the spirit stick and apparently it had a Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtle theme to it. So Taz's section was supposed to add
to the spirit stick. We came up with an old Bratz doll of Cynjyn's and
pasted a Megan Fox face to it and added it to the trophy. |
Cynjyn and Becca spent a lot of time together towards the end of summer. They always seem to want to bake something when they are together. This time it was brownies. They wanted to do the recipe on the box that called for marshmallow creme, but we didn't have any so they microwaved a bag of marshmallows and loved how they puffed up. It was hard to spread them on the brownies and they became a little hard but the final product turned out really good. They put a chocolate frosting on the top. |
Cynjyn got to go to school the Friday before it started to get her schedule and locker. She has a bottom locker this year and she didn't get two classes she signed up for so she was a little disappointed in that. But I think this will be a good year for her regardless.
They went to mutual that night and it was self defense night and they got to practice some moves on each other.
School started the last week of August. Taz is 16 and a Junior this year. Cynjyn is 13 and an 8th grader this year. Taz and I were super happy when he left on his own and drove himself to school the first day. We both loved the freedom 16 brings.

They are so cute!
The Sunday of the feast Mikel and Talon were taking pictures because they were twining. I quickly ran into my room and grabbed mine and then we were tripleting!The school projects started in right away. Cynjyn had to make a poster and Taz had to decorate his hand.
Her project turned out cute, but as we were taking her to school the morning it was due, we noticed something in her name that was a little off. Can you see it?
Talon finished up boot camp at the end of August. He had a graduation ceremony at the Santa Fe on August 29th. Me, Mikel, Tanner and Garry were able to attend. We had a lunch and they showed a video during that of their time at boot camp. It was of them being pepper sprayed and tasered.
They took an oath and walked among the wardens and sargents who'd prepared them and got their official pin.
It was very lovely and he started his new job the following Tuesday.
We got some new lawn furniture on clearance and Garry managed to set it up before the whole mutual came for an opening social BBQ.
The elder in our ward was companionless for a month. So he was having youth in our ward go on mini missions with him. Tanner went shortly after our labor day camp trip. He left on a Tuesday and stayed until Thursday night.
Taz, Cynjyn and I tried out the new snow cone shack by us. Taz got Tiger's blood and I got sugar free tigers blood and Cynjyn got root beer, so her tongue didn't change color.
She twined with Adinda at school one day when they both wore their Supernatural T-Shirts.
Talon's taser marks from the day he got tasered at work.
Mikel and the kids all went to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles one day together. Mikel knew I would want a picture and texted this to me!
And finally, Cynjyn and her gang decided to have a crazy sock day shortly after school started.
Looks like they had a fun time and good participation.
I love these catch-up posts so I can see what you're all up to! :O)
I'm glad you still post a blog. I'm like Carol--love seeing what you are up to!!
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