She looked great, but the bones didn't make it very far into the day.
She dressed up again for her HKA class and did her face with a little more subtle white...loved both looks. She had great plans to spend the weekend with Becca, Garry, Taz and I were going out of town.
I dressed up as a broken doll...stole Cynjyn's idea from a few years ago. I had C do my makeup before she left for school. None of the kids knew who I was...They kept trying to pin me down to a character, they couldn't fathom that I was just a doll, but I liked it.
Taz left Halloween morning for California with his team, so I am claiming he was a club volleyball player for Halloween.
Talon left at 11:30 am for work, so I'm claiming he was a corrections officer. Tanner was Ariel. He has been into dying his hair lately and nailed the color of her hair.

As I said earlier, we were going out of town to watch Taz's first club volleyball tourny. Cynjyn had made arrangements to stay with Becca for the weekend. Becca was having drama at home and was hanging out with friends that Cynjyn wasn't comfortable with. So C decided to stay home by herself...on Halloween...I wasn't too thrilled with that and neither was she, there was drama. But we figured Talon would be home in the evening so she'd be o.k. Garry ran out and bought candy for her to hand out and I made arrangements for Toni to get her too and from Trunk or Treat, all at the last minute as we were trying to head out of town. It was set and we left. We ended up at Outback for dinner since it was right by out hotel, oh darn! Cynjyn of course continued with the drama and the Hopkins ended up at our Trunk or Treat without Becca and insisted on C going home with them and spending the weekend as originally planned, so through texting we made that happen and all was well.
We got to the Anaheim sports complex early in the morning and settled in for 6 hours of volleyball. This is Taz's team, mostly consisting of Foothill players. Luckily we found a Ms. Pacman game and Garry and I lived in the past for a few minutes wasting out quarters. But the memories it brought back were priceless! We walked away a dollar poorer and with a sore hand!
Taz played Libero for most of the games, but got a few plays at Outside. He had a great day and did an awesome job.
They ended up losing every match they played, but, it was the first time they'd played as a team and the first tournament, so we are hoping only for improvement. We got home last Saturday evening, but had a great Halloween.