Wednesday, July 7, 2021

January 2021 Camdyn and Jaxon cuteness

 It is a new year. I can't say I'm sad to see 2020 go, but I'm not thrilled either. It had ups and downs just like every year but it will always be remembered. I am excited to head into a new year and see where it takes me and my family. I am updating my blog after a 6 month hiatus. I was having issues transferring photos from my phone to my computer and I have finally upgraded my device and am able to do that once again. So it is time to get this blog going!

Here is Camdyn and Jaxon and their cuteness for January:

1. Camdyn is starting to like me! 2-3. 6-7,9. Mikel sends me photos of cute things they do or adventures they go on. They both love going to the park and they had a shaving cream painting day. Camdyn fell asleep on his dad. 4. He loves to hear himself play the piano. 5. His mom tried to bring him in and put him right in the bedroom because he'd fallen asleep in the car. But he was wide awake when she peeked in at him! 8. Jaxon posing for me for one of my scrapbook challenges. 10-13. Sunday's at our house are always fun. The boys ride the vehicles and play games with us and just roam around having fun. 14. Grandpa helping Jaxon get stickies off his ceiling. 15. Tea party with Holland 16. Outside with grandma 17-18. I asked Mikel to send me photos with their current favorite books.


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