FAMILY: Of course, you have to keep those ties strong and the kids should know their cousins and should be best friends eventhough they live hundreds of miles apart. I am happy to say that so far, we've been successful in making them best friends and for the most part, they all get along. We wouldn't want it any other way. Hopefully my kids look forward to going to Oregon as much as I do!
Our sleeping quarters. Cynjyn and Ella slept with Grandma and Krissy in the nurses cabin and the rest of us shared a cabin by the kitchen. Cozy and fun.
FAMILY REUNIONS: usually every year we get together with extended family. This year was the Hendrickson reunion. My Dad's extended family. So much fun... A lot of game playing, ice cream socials, hikes, food prep and dishes. Dad and his brothers were in charge of meals this year. Each family took a turn. We did the first night and the kids loved doing the dishes (if only that would carry on at home).
FOUR WHEELING: Everyone loves it. This year, Grandma let Taz drive one by himself and Tanner would take the girls on the back of the big one. We four wheeled at the 480, Ladd Canyon, and around Grandpa's farm. This is how you look when you follow two other four wheelers!
Some of us had to ride the pick up to the top of the mountain, just as fun almost as four wheeling itself!