O.K. I went to Twilight this weekend. Not surprising news to anyone whose read the book, as I'm sure you did the same thing. Garry and I went with the members of book club and their husbands, so there were 14 of us. I even brought my camera, had it in my purse and about 1/2 way through the movie, I remembered I'd wanted a picture, so no real life pictures, sorry. Anyway back to the big night. We decided to go to the 3:30 Saturday showing. Of course, Garry and I were the first ones there and we saved a row of 20 chairs not really knowing the exact final head count. This is who ended up coming: Lewis and Lindsey Miranda, April and Sven Peery, Jen and Dave Hill, Toni and Brian Thatcher, Amber and John Stanley, Andrea and Jay Shafer, and us. The ladies were all giddy with anticipation and I think at least three of the husbands had read the book, Lewis, Garry and maybe Jay (not sure). Well, this is my review. The first half was really comically funny, not sure it was supposed to be, but it was. I really enjoyed the second half though. This is what I didn't like: Edwards 1st reaction to the smell of Bella, Edwards "glow" in the sunlight and the special effects of him climbing and running fast were a little weird. Jasper was hilarious, I liked Alice and Emmet, Rosalie, (the actress), not so much. I did like the three vilians, James, Laurent and Victoria. I DID NOT like Jacob (how the heck is that scrawny Lava Boy going to grow into the massive werewolf he must become!!) Edward kind of grew on me. Robert Pattinson has just looked awful in interviews and stuff, but he actually did o.k. as Edward. Bella was just o.k. too, she was a little gloomy, but I did like all of her subtle clumsiness that they through in. Esme was adorable and Carlisle was I don't know, maybe a little to pale and light haired for my tast. Anyway, I did enjoy the movie, but I also thought it should have had better special effects (anyone seen Harry Potter??) Maybe a different movie company would have helped. It did make me want to read the book again since it's been a couple of years now. Anyway, enough of that, after the movie we went to the Havana Grill for cuban food (Lewis and Lindsey had to go home though). All in all, it was a very fun date night: fun movie, good conversation and good food, with fun friends!
I had my camera too! With all of us bloggers, I can't believe we forgot to take a picture! I went into the movie knowing that it was going to be a low budget film, and it wasn't going to be completely like the book. So, as a movie not compared to the book, I loved it. Lewis and I couldn't stop laughing about it the rest of the night, in a good way of course.
I pretty much completely agree with you. Jasper was hilarious, and I definitely wanted Rosalie to be prettier or something. I also was worried about Edward before the movie, but ended up thinking he was hot enough and he did a good job. Good thing the "story" is so good, since the quality of the movie could have been so much better. I was wanting a bigger budget. All in all, I liked it but wanted a little more. I'm glad I didn't hate it though. And, I'll admit...I'm glad I read the book:)
Sorry we "forced" L & L to come home early, but it was our turn for a night out. :o) They said it was fun hanging out with all of you and gave us their comments about the movie. Now if I can just "drag" Ron to see it.
Now, I have something to look forward to! Rob said he's going to go with me! We'll see! Sounds worth going to. K, you need to get busy and read New Moon before the movie comes out!
I though Jacob was the best character and the best looking! If I remember correctly, Jacob was scrawny and little in Twilight. It is the other books that he grows bigger. That guy is probably at the gym as we speak!
Oh, I forgot to say I am almost done with Breaking Dawn!
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