Here it is ready to go in the oven.

Tanner is taking out the good china and Cynjyn is setting the table. Taz is getting the candles ready so we can eat by candlelight.
Now for the funny story. Note how Talon is holding Chocolate, Tiffany's dog, who has come to join us. Well, Chocolate is trying to get the mashed potatoes in this picture and could care less about her picture being taken. She is a funny little dog and ran around following everyone as preparations were made trying to beg food off someone. It didn't work. Tiffany doesn't want us feeding her human food. S0, we sat down for dinner and were enjoying food and conversation. We were about half way done and I started smelling something different, I thought it was Tanner's breath or body odor or something like that from Taz. We carried on with dinner and we were almost done when Tanner said: "OH, Chocolate is eating something under the table, I think it's poo!" We all looked and she was right under my feet eating poo. She had pooped and then was eating it. Talon came and grabbed her and Garry cleaned it up. Tiffany spanked her and was going to put her outside, but it was pouring rain and so she couldn't bring herself to do that. Well, Talon and Tiffany couldn't believe she'd be eating her own poo, so Talon smelled her breath and then he threw her at Tiffany and started gagging. I was gagging from the smell of Garry cleaning it up right under my feet, Tanner was holding his stomach and lying on his chair trying not to throw up. Taz was running for the air freshener with his shirt pulled up over his nose. Talon, Tiffany and Cynjyn took Chocolate into the kitchen to make her drink some milk and eat some Turkey to try to get the smell off her mouth. It was quite comical. After it settled down, Talon and Tiffany took her upstairs and the rest of us finished eating (T and T had LOST their appetite by then). Needless to say, Chocolate went home after that and hasn't been back since.
Anyway, despite all that, we did have a happy Thanksgiving!
Ummmm....GROSS! Why didn't you tell me it was going to be a gross story? I am just about to eat breakfast and now have totally lost my appetite!
You painted such a vivid picture--I can just see all of the chaos! glad I wasn't there!! Love you all! (even chocolate)
I was hysterically laughing when I read this! Mostly because we've had the dog-eat-poo scenario happen at our house. You wrote it so perfectly that I felt I was there--gag!
How do we get invited to your house next Thanksgiving? Wait, we'll be out of town that year.
Way too funny!!! And a little gross too, I suppose.
I couldn't help myself--I started laughing again when I thought about this! I've told so many people about it. As a dog lover, I can really appreciate how funny this was! Once again, thanks for sharing this funny story. Do you still want to borrow one of my pets? :o)
Only if they don't eat their own poo
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