We finally gave up and Taz and Cynjyn just blew on it to get the smoke a really going! The frozen stuff only last a couple of minutes, but it sure is intersting to the palet. We've gone a couple of more times. One day I took Talon after he took me out to lunch and it's always fun to try it with people who've never experienced it before.
One night for a combined YW activity, we did "Stump the Bishopric". The girls brought an object in a sack and the bishopric opened it they had two minutes to find the scripture it represented. If we stumped them we each got a piece of candy, if they figured it out, they got the candy. It was about equal and they did a great job. They could confer with each other and they had two life lines of using the topical guide.
January 18-20th brought mid-term week. That means the boys get out at 10;40 and 11:40, so I started the tradition of taking them out to lunch one of those days. We chose the first day and Tanner wanted Claim Jumper. Here we are with a timer set on the camera to take our group picture.
Tanner and I ordered the tri-tip and it was delicious.
Taz got the widow makers burger. It was huge and he was more than pleased.
The idea is they get out early and have plenty of time to study...or in Tanner's case, plenty of time to play Zelda!
Cynjyn and her friend wanted to dress up as nerds on one of the days they had GATE, so here she is. She's getting quite the reputation for her quirky fashion style. Her PE teacher actually called her out one day for matching! She said she never matches and how dare she break her tradition of quirkiness that the PE teacher LOVES.
She had some friends over last Friday for a girls night out and they watched a video and played just dance 3. It was a PJ party and everyone brought a treat to share. It was from 7-10 and they had a ball.
Taz got to go paintballing for Lawson's birthday last Saturday. They went up to Bunkerville. He LOVED it!!
And only came home with one bruise from Lawson's mom no less!
Thanks to Pinterest, I've found a website that shows fun things to do with long hair. Cynjyn lets me experiment once a week. Here is her waterfall braid.
And she got new socks that are...wait for it...MISMATCHED!! Imagine that.
Talon dropped his phone in the toilet, yes you read that right, he didn't hesitate and fished it right out, anyone that knows my germaphobe son knows that is a miracle. Anyway, it didn't work. And he was phone less for about a week. It KILLED him!! He sent his phone off to California to a man who swears he can fix it. In the mean time, Garry used his upgrade to get Talon a new phone. It came and now Talon is a happy camper once again. Here's two funny stories to go along with that: One day we went to Tanner's school for lunch, we found Tanner and Talon asked him if he'd gotten a recipe for him for the steak salad. Tanner said no, he forgot. He told Talon to text him to remind him, Talon yelled "I don't have a PHONE!!". Oh.
Then Talon came home from work a few days later and he asked Tanner and I if we'd seen the sunset. We said no and he said, oh it was beautiful. He took us outside and we caught the tail end of it. He said it was at it's best on his drive home. I said why didn't you pull over and take a picture? He yelled "I don't have a PHONE"! Oh.
Cynjyn dressed up for sports day at school. It just so happened Taz had a Partiots jersey. She looked so cute. We had a great January!