With the new year came a new theme in YW: Arise and Shine forth. So I made a new bulletin board for the YW room.
It's a spoof of Pinterest and each week a girl can grab a card and pin it to the board and can tell how that card can help her to arise and shine forth. I got the idea off Sugardoodle and so far it's worked great and the girls seem to enjoy having something to give a spiritual thought on.
Over Christmas break, Taz decided it was time to start shaving that peach fuzz!. So this was his second time shaving and Cynjyn and I enjoyed cheering him on!
Tanner got asked to Sadies. Now, being a bloggers son, he took a picture with his phone of his car, but we have a hard time figuring out how to take our pictures off our phone around here and he's asleep, so I don't want to wait, maybe I'll post it later (maybe I won't). Anyway, he came out of school and his car was covered in Oreo's and there was a sign on it (down below a few pictures) saying: Nothing like an Oreo treat to lead you to something really sweet! Pick up a cookie to have a lookie, to find out who, look for the clue. So he found the Oreo with the message inside that told him to go look in the freezer deep. When he got home this is what he found in the freezer: A block of ice.
These are the Oreo's cleaned off his car
and the note
After he thawed the block of ice by running it under hot water, he found an Oreo inside and opened it and it said Heidi. She's his dance partner from the preChristmas dance posts. More to that story later to come.
Cynjyn decided one day she wanted to try fresh squeezed OJ. So she got a peeled cutie and attempted it. I said stop wasting the cuties and one day bought her some real oranges so she could give it a go.
She loved it but realized it's a lot of work for a little amount of juice!
Talon and I love our Thusday lunch dates at Tanner's school, this week it was steak salad and boy was it good!
Cynjyn went to Toy Story three on ice with the Sawyers, they had an extra ticket and she was so excited that they asked her. She loves Amanda (well, we all do!!)
Here was her Buzz Lightyear souvenier! (It came on her cotton candy, but she's had fun with it.)
Now the rest of the story: Here is how Tanner chose to answer Heidi back for Sadie's:
Dear Heidi,
The Oreos on my car were very dirty and
annoying. I didn’t like them at all and I found that it was not
creative. I wish that I could say that
I could go with you, but I just cannot because of the fact that
I was unhappy with how you asked me.
It was a pain to clean and I stood outside at 8 just so I could drive to school.
I couldn’t believe that you would ask me that way and
I can’t find another way of saying this, but here it goes.
I would like to go to Sadie’s with you, however
I cannot because I didn’t like how you asked me and
the Oreos are still a pain and I do not even like them and
If you would have asked me any other way I would say yes but
I will definitely, no matter what,
not do anything that involves me having to
go to Sadie’s with you.
Your friend that you’ll
love always,
The boy
P.S. I change my mind, so begin at the beginning and read every other line as this is what I truly mean.
Garry had remembered seeing this a long time ago at the mall in Orem in the missionary section and it was a "dear John". He found it on the internet and Tanner personalized it and left it on Heidi's car.

The poor girl to have to read that before she got to the p.s. part! :)
Glad you're enjoying your January. I want to try Tanner's food class. Maybe this spring I'll be able to visit and try it.
What a fun month for you. I, too, want to try Tanner's food class! I hope Heidi read the note through! I think I would have read the first part and been so insulted I would have stoped reading, tore it up and thrown it away! I want the end of this story!! Tell Cyn a lot of things are a lot of work, but the reward in the end is great! good for Taz on the friendship gatherings. That's what memories are made of (even if it does cost mom and dad a few bucks!)
That poor girl! I think I would have torn it up, too, Gwen! She must have a great sense of humor or she knows his kind of humor. Too funny...I think.
you guys are always so busy, great way to be.
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