Tanner has somehow become my tree putter upper. I will sorely miss this skill when he goes on his mission! I found my dream tree at Home Depot on Black Friday for 20% off. I love it, it has sparkles. TANNER. HATES. SPARKLES!
For the past 19 years, our window facing the street has been the kitchen window. I always wanted a house with a window facing the street that I could display my christmas tree in. I finally have that!
I also wanted a bow and trailing ribbon on my tree. I got the ribbon at Michaels for 70% off and then made my own bows. I love how they turned out. My preschool kids however wondered why I didn't have a star on the top of my tree. (FYI, I've never had a star, but always had an angel.)
Can you believe my cute little Cynjyn is about to turn 12? She wore this to school one day and they made her take off the scarf because it was associated with gangs!! Does she even look remotely associated with gangs? Really!
She earned her Faith in God for primary and got to sign the CTR board that her brothers signed before her!
And on December 3, she turned 12!
I made her a binder for YW
She got Just Dance 4
And I made her a Shutterfly book showcasing her with pictures of herself living the YW values.
I'm pretty sure she liked it! Garry and I also took her shopping to get new clothes to wear on Sunday now that she gets to go to YW.

She had a backwards birthday party the following Saturday and we had it in the morning, we ate cake first then opened presents, then had the party. We played Pin the Donkey on the tail and then the kids went on a treasure hunt and then we played some games she insisted on like Chubby bunny and the pudding game where you pair up and feed pudding to each other with a super long spoon and then the kids did Just Dance 4 and karoke. This was all what she requested, and I believe everyone enjoyed it.
It was her first boy girl party since she was little.
She got two more collector dolls to add to her collection from Grandma too.
She brings so much joy into our family. She's quirky and funny and passionate and kind. Here she is having a root beer float and drinking hot chocolate because she's cold. That's how she rolls!
It's offically December and beginning to feel like Christmas!
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