These are my two housebound buddies. They keep me company during the day. I'm going to miss them.
We love Friday's and Saturday's. Tanner has them off, so when Talon gets home from work, we play a game usually. Talon has Saturday's off so we play a lot then to, and there is always time for a quick game of pinochle.
Garry and I went to the Summerlin Spectacular which is the bands last big home marching competition of the year. We were walking up to the entrance and the band president stopped us and asked if we'd be willing and able to help take the props on and off the field. So we said yes. We had to stay behind them and watch the band from behind, but it was kind of fun and we got a close up view. Oh, and it was stinking hot!
Garry, Tanner and I went to Dr. Strange!
My dad had a pacemaker put it and it all went well, but he has to be in this sling for 6 weeks!
Cynjyn's getting good.
Garry and I made a quick trip to Cali to watch the band perform in Valencia. It was a Thursday night performance. The next day, the band went to Six Flags, but Garry and I opted for Universal since our season passes expire next month. It was soooo crowded. Garry and I couldn't even walk side by side down the street together. We did the back stage tour and the new Walking Dead exhibit that we hadn't seen yet and Waterworld and then we left by 2:00 pm.
One morning we were all gone and apparently Bentley was not happy about it.
They had auditions for top and bottom band. Cynjyn was so upset because her playing test did not go well. But, she found out this day she made top band!!
Garry made two raised beds for a lady in our ward. They are like Cynjyn's but twin size. He is donating his labor and she's paying for supplies.
I decided that I am home now and not working so I should do more service. I have started helping my friend Jen. She is the librarian at an elementary school. I now go in every Wednesday from 9-11 and do whatever she needs done.
Tanner couldn't wait for Fantastical Beasts to come out, he was there on opening night with Beth and Chris.
Bonding, she still has that stinking cone on.
Talon and Mikel finally had a reveal party for the gender of their baby. Her mom and stepdad flew into town and put it together. We had Jen make the reveal cake and she said it was pretty stressful to have that info for two weeks!

Baby boy Goon will arrive in April!
Cynjyn wanted her hair professionally died for her bday. So I took her to get it done a few weeks before.
A lady who grew up in our ward and was my former piano student, Chloe Zach did it. It took 4 hours.
But it turned out so cute and she loves it!
Sister Gier, far left, got to go home from her mission the day before Thanksgiving. We had them for dinner the Sunday before and had to get a photo. We love Gier and Dyer.
For FHE we made Thankful turkeys to put into Taz's Thanksgiving package.
We also got his Korean won ordered and sent that to him. He has to enter the field with local currency.
We had the week of Thanksgiving off school, so us ladies went to Kneaders for breakfast and had french toast, except Cynjyn, she had a turkey sandwich!
The beds were finally done and delivered the week of Thanksgiving break.
I am on the decorating committee for the ward Christmas party. I have a vision and have started it with help from my number one daughter.
Garry and I walked to the Shafer's Thanksgiving morning because we were watching Sparky and then we fed him and walked home. We got our 4 miles in and were ready to eat the day away.
Talon gave Jodi a lesson on how to clean her gun.
We ate right at 4 which is amazing since we had ham, turkey and ribs for dinner. We had the sister missionaries, Sister Dyer and her temporary companion from our ward Madeline Carn for dinner. This was the first of 4 dinner's for them tonight. They ate a little bit and were happy to move along.
The day after Thanksgiving Cynjyn and a group of friends went ice skating at the Cosmo. They came here afterwords to watch a movie and they were hungry, so we ordered pizza!!
We put up Christmas over the weekend and last year, we had bought Cynjyn her own little 4 foot tree, she was so excited to put it up.
They twined for church and didn't even plan it.
Rob, Jodi, Trey and Talon went golfing the Friday after Thanksgiving.
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