Monday, July 22, 2019

May Little Things

Here is what I want to remember from May: 1. My cleaning buddy. 2. My two boys playing a duet and Taz playing a solo at my piano recital and yummy desserts prepped for it. 3. Taz's obsession with rock climbing. 4.  My fingernails. 5. Cynjyn's willingness to do a little photo shoot with her dance outfit. 6. Tanner and finals week. 7. Last band concert ever, saying goodbye to Mrs. Lozito and the threesome of Kaela Cynjyn and Vanessa. 8. Cinco de Mayo dinner. 9. Sunday hot tubbing. 10. Relay for Life (Harry Potter themed). 11. Going in the hot tub everyday with Jaxon and Taz's willingness to take him in there for me a couple of times a week. 12. Cynjyn loving to spend time with Jaxon. 13. Addressing and sending out graduation envelops. 14. D and D every other Saturday for Tanner and Garry. 15. Cynjyn making end of year dance team sashes. 16. visiting Taz at work at Panda. 17. Tanner and Jaxon and Jaxon having to do breathing treatments. 18. Garry winning three prizes at the work weight loss challenge: IRobot, AirPods and a speaker. He didn't really even try until the last two weeks and entered his tickets in raffles and won! 19. Cynjyn's pagent dress arrived! 20. Cub Scout Day Camp.


And........that's a wrap for May.

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