Sunday, January 12, 2020

Jaxon Cuteness September

This is Jaxon for September: Naps are still a favorite. One day he was getting the books and he broke out crying and I noticed he had a cut finger. I have no idea what or how he did it, but it really hurt him and he had a restless naptime because of it. He has started some little preschool classes at the Multi Gen center and he loves them. He really loves the parachute and the centers. He loves vacuums and when ever he hears the yard maintenance people outside he thinks the leaf blowers are vacuums. He always wants to stand at the window and watch them. He is standing at the kitchen window looking out into the park.

He found this dog upstairs and made me bring it down and then he laid on it all day. He still loves sitting on the counter and watching TV from there. He's been a little obsessed about the fan in the family room and thinks it's too high, but he wants to touch it and he gets mad when he can't reach it. He tries to make Taz and Tanner hold him up high enough to reach it. One day he even tried the ladder, but he still can't reach it!

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