January 1-11, 2020: What is it about a new year that makes one want to dejunk, clean, organize, improve? This New Year was no different for us. We had been to Oregon for Christmas. UNLV basically had the whole month of January off for Winter break, so the kids were available and had free time to help with any or all of the above. The first thing I wanted to do was reorganize all of our games. We had them in and out of cupboards just will nilly anywhere. So mostly Tanner and I worked on this project. We brought every game out to the island area and started dejunking, cleaning and organizing. Of course this involved clearing a new area for games and a trip to IKEA to buy some shelving for the games. Now we have our most played games on the IKEA shelves and a big box to donate of games we've never played or will ever play. Feels good. Cynjyn started off the year with a bang eating healthy. She loves making smoothies for breakfast when she has time and January found her with nothing but time! She also spent a night with Gus making Frozen gingerbread houses together. She also bought a challenge at her favorite Boba place and had to drink this gallon in an hour. She won't tell us how much it cost...more than $80 and less than $100, but she was excited and drank A LOT!

Garry was his usual helpful self in the kitchen. I really appreciate all he does to help out. He will always prep the meat when we buy in bulk (here he's getting ready to cook up hamburger) He also does dishes most nights and just generally keep the house tidy and picked up. Taz got a puzzle at our Christmas Eve name draw and we were all excited to try it out. It only took the three of us a few days to finish this 1000 piece beauty. Taz also hurt himself playing sports and his leg had a little turf burn but then two days later it was an all out puss infected mess!

For YW, we had a B of M read a thon. We only went from 4pm to midnight and we covered 1st Nephi-Jacob. Every hour we did an activity to break up the reading (We read all together either listening or taking turns reading.) For my activity, we played murder by being in a circle and squeezing hands to kill someone. I was first and we'd just read Nephi killing Laban. It was a long night, but it was nice being with the girls. You know me, I always want to take a photo of sunsets/sunrises, this photo doesn't disappoint but like all photos, it doesn't do justice to the actual sunset. Sunday, Cynjyn and I came down for church, we were matching in clothes color without even trying, she had her boots on so I decided to wear my boots so that made us match even more. I love it when this randomly happens. I also love that Cynjyn goes to church and that she loves her mama enough to pose with me for the photo! Cynjyn and Kaela decided to dye their hair one night. Cynjyn did purple. She had enough left over that she did a strip of my hair. I love it! I also started back up walking in the mornings and my NY nails bring me great joy!

We always love it when the Other Goon's come over for dinner. It has been nice with Mikel being on maternity leave. But with that comes the fact that we don't see those adorable grandkids every day. So I cherish our Sunday's. Camdyn still sleeps most of the time and everyone likes to hold him. Jaxon likes playing with any and everyone who will do what he wants. Tanner put up his hitting practice toy and Jaxon still likes sausage and the Christmas train. I don't know what he will do when I take that down. He can watch it for hours and hours! Jaxon still does his preschool classes with Mikel, every once in awhile, she'll send me a photo of him having fun.