This is how the conversation went:
"Mom, if you let me go to Cali with Tiff and RJ for spring break, I promise I won't ask for anything else! I won't even go to prom!"
"O.K. Talon, you can go to Cali but I want a signed affidavit that you won't go to prom."
Not even two weeks later, Talon informs me he's going to prom. He just can't miss his Senior Prom!! Well, the only reason we were giving him grief is that last year he went and it cost us close to $500.00 just for one prom night that they didn't even dance at and were at the dance for maybe 45 min. We were mad!! So we told him at the beginning of this year that he had to get a job and earn money so that he could pay for his own activities his sr. year.
Well, he got the job, but then volleyball started and his hours got cut drastically. So when it came time for prom...you guessed it, NO MONEY!! So he gives me the guilt trip that I'm his mom and it's his SENIOR year and I should at least pay for something. So I relent and say, o.k. I'll pay for the tux, but he has to pay for the rest. He did go to prom, I did pay for the tux, and he paid for the rest. My advice...start saving now...those darn kids get sooooo expensive!!
Wow, Talon's girlfriend is so pretty! They look fabulous! I can only imagine what it's going to cost us for 3 prom dresses. :(
Well, I'm glad he went to his senior prom. They do make a great-looking couple!
And, I guess I need to start saving right now for Kres's high school years, but he's so expensive now too! urg!
Vey handsome couple! I hope they had a good time. Tiffiny looked fantastic, as usual, and Talon was very handsome. What does one spend $500 on for one evening out?? Is a tux more than $100? dinner $250? I'm amazed! My advice to you young mothers--get a group together and throw your own prom! (yeh, right!)
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