As you've noticed on my sidebar, I have a countdown to the release of Breaking Dawn. We just had book club last week and our book was The Host. (by the way, I liked it a lot). We all agreed that it wasn't the same as the Twilight series, but we all liked it. Anyway, of course we all got to talking about those vampires that we LOVE and we are all excited to get this book and start reading. I'll be hosting book club in September with the above book to be discussed. THE only bummer thing is that I'll be in Oregon when it arrives at my door and won't be back until the 16th of August:( I'll try so hard not to get on this: http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/index.html
website, or any other for that matter so I don't spoil the book for me. We have already decided that our December book club will be December 12th: Dinner and movie with our hubbies!! Don't ya just LOVE to read!!
Krissy says, "I thought you might schedule Cynjyn's baptism around the opening of "Twilight" so we could all go together!"
Uhhhhh, no :(
You can read my copy--it should arrive as soon as it can get there after it;s released! SOMEONE HAD BETTER PLAN TO GO WITH ME!!!
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