Tanner was the fastest boy to go up the wall! (from our troop)

12 boys + 3 leaders+ one campsite= FUN

They came up with a camp flag while they were there.

Yes, anyone who knows Garry, knows he was FREAKING out at having to pull the scout trailer all the way to Bear Lake with the Suburban. (He can barely even park the Suburban at Wal-Mart!)

The whole troop took archery and LOVED it.

Tqnner got enough points to get the merit badge. Unfortunatly for him, he's left eye dominant (like his Mom) and had a harder time siting, but he made it work!

Working on his Horsemanship Merit badge. Apparently he went through three horses before he could kick one hard enough to make it gallop! But he did earn the merit badge.

The beginning of the WALL!
The boys left for scout camp down in CA. Monday morning at 2:30 am!! Garry went down the first part of the week, Monday- Wednesday and then Shane Haycock took the later part of the week, Thur-Sat. Garry took a ton of pictures in those two short days. He came back and said the boys were having a blast and were sad that he was leaving, so that made him feel good. He was so organized, he had a folder for each boy with a map and a highlighted schedule of each of their classes, merit badge cards and notebook and pen for notes. He said there was quite a bear problem at camp, so they have "bear boxes" at each site where they can keep their "goodies". They can't even keep coolers out in the camp because the bears have come to recognize them!!
Garry said he had a little bit of trouble getting the boys to calm down and go to sleep the first few nights (yes, Kathy, if you're reading this, CHRIS is the main culprit, just reminds me of your blog where you talk about him "talking your ear off " all the way to CA!!), so he had to be the disciplinarian on that end. Anyway, Tanner's still there having a great time I assume. Garry had fun too and was a little sad to leave thinking he should have stayed the whole week.
Krissy says, "Glad to hear it wasn't a 'blood and guts' scout camp like it sometimes has been!"
Ohhh how Tanner's pictures crack me up! He's always had the best poker face!
Good job at scout camp, Tan!
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