Toni had Karen and MaryAnne make beehive cupcakes and she'd made little bees that she attached to wire to come out of the cupcakes. It was all just so cute!!
After New Beginnings, we met with President Davie. We walked in and he asked us if we knew why we were here. By that point we'd had enough time to think that maybe we weren't going to be in the stake YM pres. and maybe he WAS going to be called into the bishopric. We said we had our guess, but we'd wait to hear officially from him. Then he extended the call. It was surreal. Not in our wildest dreams had we even thought this before Saturday night. He said that Garry's name was the only one the bishop submitted and them minute Pres. Davie heard it he had no doubts that it was right. That was weird to us, but reassuring. We left completly in shock. Needless to say, we slept very little that night. We probably stayed up till 12:30 talking and were restless thoughtout the night and up by 6:00 amd still talking. President Davie had told us to be prepared to share our testimonies that Sunday, so I wrote mine out. My whole objective was not to cry uncontrollably. By doing that and memorizing my "testimony" I avoided a big crying session. I only shed a few controlled tears!! I was proud of myself. And I might add that was the only crying I did the whole day!! We chose to keep it a secret from the kids so they would be surprised Sunday morning. After he was sustained and took the stand, Cynjyn asked if he knew that was going to happen, I told her yes and she said good, because that would really be a surprise if he didn't know!! Taz leaned over and said there goes out paintball plans for scouts, darn it! It's over now and Garry is eager and excited to start his new calling! Thursday night we went to a YM recognition dinner for all the YM in the stake who had earned their Duty to God or Eagle in 2010. Tanner had done both, his eagle and his Teacher's DtoG. Olive Garden catered and it was yummy. We sat with our ward and two other YM who had accomplished this also (there was 4 total, but one wasn't there).

Then onto Friday. Tanner has asked Rachel Mainor to The Event. Rachel turned 16 in January. Here parents were going to throw her a surprise Masquerade Ball. Tanner was involved from the start. He handed out invitation's to our ward (the parents made and sent 240 invitations!) Everyone got a mask they had to decorate for the night. Tanner was in charge of decorating the lights and ceiling. He enlisted Bryant, Preston and Garry to help. They started Friday at 2:00, the dance was at 7:00.

It went pretty well until a few of the balloon arch balloons escaped. Then Tanner and Preston tried to get them down by climbing the ladder with the vacuum and sucking them down. They were able to get the silver one down.

They had the lights all strung and then Sarah (Rachels mom ) came with viscane that she wanted up by the lights and draping down the side. So Garry and Tanner managed to figure out how to do that without having to re do all their lights. So this is the view of the gym through the arch, you can see the black and white viscane with the light from the stings of light coming through. Tanner also had to get Rachel there without her knowing why and Garry was to be paprazzi and take pictures throughout the night. He ended up takin 129 photos. Tanner told Rachel that his dad wanted to do a pre photo shoot with him and Rachel before the Event to send to our relatives in Oregon who were dying to see them. She went along with it (I'm sure she was suspicious. ) Her mom wanted me in the car with them because she didn't think they should be alone. So I tagged along! We were supposed to have her at the church by 7:30. The mom called and told us to stall, she wasn't ready, so we took Rachel to our house telling her we needed to pick something up for Garry who was meeting us at the church. Then I sat there for about 15 min. waiting for Sarah to call and give us the o.k. I was in the bedroom. Finally she called and I came out and said that my mom had called at the last minute and I was sorry and I was trying to hurry up her call.

Anyway, we got her to the church and it was dark and we told her we had to go in up through the back stage door. Tanner escorted her up there and everyone turned on the lights and yelled SURPRISE!!! I think she was!

Sarah had asked three couples to chaperone from her ward. The three men were all dressed in black suits with black shades and they were the secret service. They were "checking" the kids as they came in. (all in fun, all in fun). At one point during the dance, they had a daddy daughter dance and all three men and Rachel's dad were to dance with their daughters (they all had daughters Rachel's age and were her best friends). So they stared dancing and then all of sudden Tanner came over and grabbed me and made me dance with his since he had a mother there! So sweet!!! We all danced to Josh Grobin's "You Lift Me Up"

But Tanner mostly danced with Rachel. They had so much fun.

And, don't they look cute together!!

Here they are with Rachel' best friends.
Garry made a sign in sheet kinda like a guest book to match the person with their picture.
These are just some of the masks. They had a contest and gave ITunes gift cards for 1-4th place.

Here is Tanner with his mask. Tanner sure worked hard to make that evening good for her. And she was very appreciative. He helped clean up and the dance was over at 10 and he got home by 11:30, we left at 8:30. Good job Tanner!

Saturday, we went to Olive Garden for my bday dinner. Tanner had to babysit at 6:15, so he and Talon left right after they ate while we waited for the boxes and check and all that.

It was a nice, fun dinner.

After dinner, we stopped at Wal-Mart to get some stuff for Garry and while we were there, they announced that all Valentines stuff was now 75% off, so we hit the aisle and got stuff ridiculously cheap. I'm always looking for cheap candy for my piano candy bowl.

Sunday, Garry didn't have to stay and do anything, so we took advantage of our last "free" Sunday for awhile. We watched the movie RED and I had Razzleberry pie and ice cream.
After New Beginnings, we met with President Davie. We walked in and he asked us if we knew why we were here. By that point we'd had enough time to think that maybe we weren't going to be in the stake YM pres. and maybe he WAS going to be called into the bishopric. We said we had our guess, but we'd wait to hear officially from him. Then he extended the call. It was surreal. Not in our wildest dreams had we even thought this before Saturday night. He said that Garry's name was the only one the bishop submitted and them minute Pres. Davie heard it he had no doubts that it was right. That was weird to us, but reassuring. We left completly in shock. Needless to say, we slept very little that night. We probably stayed up till 12:30 talking and were restless thoughtout the night and up by 6:00 amd still talking. President Davie had told us to be prepared to share our testimonies that Sunday, so I wrote mine out. My whole objective was not to cry uncontrollably. By doing that and memorizing my "testimony" I avoided a big crying session. I only shed a few controlled tears!! I was proud of myself. And I might add that was the only crying I did the whole day!! We chose to keep it a secret from the kids so they would be surprised Sunday morning. After he was sustained and took the stand, Cynjyn asked if he knew that was going to happen, I told her yes and she said good, because that would really be a surprise if he didn't know!! Taz leaned over and said there goes out paintball plans for scouts, darn it! It's over now and Garry is eager and excited to start his new calling! Thursday night we went to a YM recognition dinner for all the YM in the stake who had earned their Duty to God or Eagle in 2010. Tanner had done both, his eagle and his Teacher's DtoG. Olive Garden catered and it was yummy. We sat with our ward and two other YM who had accomplished this also (there was 4 total, but one wasn't there).
Then onto Friday. Tanner has asked Rachel Mainor to The Event. Rachel turned 16 in January. Here parents were going to throw her a surprise Masquerade Ball. Tanner was involved from the start. He handed out invitation's to our ward (the parents made and sent 240 invitations!) Everyone got a mask they had to decorate for the night. Tanner was in charge of decorating the lights and ceiling. He enlisted Bryant, Preston and Garry to help. They started Friday at 2:00, the dance was at 7:00.
It went pretty well until a few of the balloon arch balloons escaped. Then Tanner and Preston tried to get them down by climbing the ladder with the vacuum and sucking them down. They were able to get the silver one down.
They had the lights all strung and then Sarah (Rachels mom ) came with viscane that she wanted up by the lights and draping down the side. So Garry and Tanner managed to figure out how to do that without having to re do all their lights. So this is the view of the gym through the arch, you can see the black and white viscane with the light from the stings of light coming through. Tanner also had to get Rachel there without her knowing why and Garry was to be paprazzi and take pictures throughout the night. He ended up takin 129 photos. Tanner told Rachel that his dad wanted to do a pre photo shoot with him and Rachel before the Event to send to our relatives in Oregon who were dying to see them. She went along with it (I'm sure she was suspicious. ) Her mom wanted me in the car with them because she didn't think they should be alone. So I tagged along! We were supposed to have her at the church by 7:30. The mom called and told us to stall, she wasn't ready, so we took Rachel to our house telling her we needed to pick something up for Garry who was meeting us at the church. Then I sat there for about 15 min. waiting for Sarah to call and give us the o.k. I was in the bedroom. Finally she called and I came out and said that my mom had called at the last minute and I was sorry and I was trying to hurry up her call.
Anyway, we got her to the church and it was dark and we told her we had to go in up through the back stage door. Tanner escorted her up there and everyone turned on the lights and yelled SURPRISE!!! I think she was!
Sarah had asked three couples to chaperone from her ward. The three men were all dressed in black suits with black shades and they were the secret service. They were "checking" the kids as they came in. (all in fun, all in fun). At one point during the dance, they had a daddy daughter dance and all three men and Rachel's dad were to dance with their daughters (they all had daughters Rachel's age and were her best friends). So they stared dancing and then all of sudden Tanner came over and grabbed me and made me dance with his since he had a mother there! So sweet!!! We all danced to Josh Grobin's "You Lift Me Up"
But Tanner mostly danced with Rachel. They had so much fun.
And, don't they look cute together!!
Here they are with Rachel' best friends.
Here is Tanner with his mask. Tanner sure worked hard to make that evening good for her. And she was very appreciative. He helped clean up and the dance was over at 10 and he got home by 11:30, we left at 8:30. Good job Tanner!
Saturday, we went to Olive Garden for my bday dinner. Tanner had to babysit at 6:15, so he and Talon left right after they ate while we waited for the boxes and check and all that.
It was a nice, fun dinner.
After dinner, we stopped at Wal-Mart to get some stuff for Garry and while we were there, they announced that all Valentines stuff was now 75% off, so we hit the aisle and got stuff ridiculously cheap. I'm always looking for cheap candy for my piano candy bowl.
Sunday, Garry didn't have to stay and do anything, so we took advantage of our last "free" Sunday for awhile. We watched the movie RED and I had Razzleberry pie and ice cream.
That does sound like a busy week! Congrats to Garry, he will do a great job! Good job Tanner for doing all that work to help for Rachel's party (the decorations remind me of my wedding ?). Happy Birthday Kim!!!!!
Such a busy lady! Glad you had a great birthday; congrats to Garry; nice dishes; fun looking parties; whew!
Thanx Krissy. And they were the same colors as your wedding, black, red, and white!
Wow Kim! What a week! Who moved out of the ward that left an opening in the Bishopric? I hope not Wendy and Brent? It will be awesome for Garry serving with Bishop Holland. You guys do so many amazing things--for your family and the ward. :)
What a 16th birthday! You guys are fantastic with the party scene and decorating! Congratulations to Garry--many interesting times ahead! Great birthday dishes--great week. I agree with Heather, you guys are amazing! This is from your mom on your computer: )
I love peeking into your life through your blog. I know Garry's calling is overwhelming and it's weird to congratulate someone when getting a big calling like that, but I think it's awesome that Garry is living his life in a way that the Lord can trust him with such an awesome responsibility. So congratulations on being part of a great marriage that allows him to be that kind of man.
PS Happy Birthday!
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