Our very last day in Boise I let Cynjyn drive down the lane of Krissy's neighborhood and up the road to a main road. She loved it and is looking forward to next year when she will have her permit and will be legal.
We spent Monday in Boise and watched Annalyn while Krissy went to her doctors appointment.
We left Tuesday morning for La Grande. This was my car load. We had just exited onto the freeway and I got pulled over by cop because I didn't signal for 5 full seconds before making my lane change. Luckily, he was feeling nice I guess because he just gave me a warning...or maybe he saw my car full and felt sorry for me having to be with these crazy goofballs. We were loving how we were rocking our sunglasses though!
On our way back through Boise, we spent our last night at Krissy's watching Annalyn while her and Brian attended a Motley Crue concert. That was fun, but Annalyn wouldn't go to sleep at her normal bedtime. I guess we are that good of babysitters!!
We spent most of our time in LG. The kids wasted no time hoping aboard those 4 wheelers and enjoying the cool evenings.
True to form, there was a threat of thunder storms almost every evening.
Some of enjoyed the evening from the porch. Annalyn was fascinated with Hunter, even after she got forked in the face pretty bad. Alas, Hunter is a barn cat and is really scared of humans unless it's grandma.
The kids went through a plethora of carrots feeding the horses. But...they were mini carrots and so Cynjyn and Grandpa were about the only brave ones to feed them consistently.
Simple picnics on summer days were a must.
And so was reenacting the Titanic scene with an extra person.
Love whoever got this candid shot of the happenings by the river.
All of our adventures wore Beckham out!
It took a village to whip up some chicken rolls. We had them for dinner and then the next night mom and I went to her RS classes night and demonstrated how to make them in her cooking with Gwen segment. These two crazies were supposed to go with us, but opted to go to Minions with Uncle Randy and the rest of their cousins instead.
Trampis arrived and got a huggy, warm welcome from his favorite cousin.
Annalyn was obsessed with orange juice and would barely come up for air when we gave her a glass of it! It was so funny.
Oh how we love Trampis and Ella. Trampis was especially missing Taz because he almost single handedly had to entertain Kres.
We made a trek to the sale yard which only runs on Thursday's. Me, Grandpa, Ky, Krissy, Ella, Cynjyn, Beckham and Annalyn went. For those extended family members that still read this blog, can you see someone else you recognize in the photo below who happened to be there also?
We always have to go to the wall of fame and find my grandma and grandpa's photo. These girls and the great grandparents.
Us sisters and our grandparents.
When everyone is there, every inch of the floors and couches are in use, but I'm pretty sure it's a small sacrifice to make for having family around.
Randy was there to paint the barn for dad. This is the before shot. The girls and I went down to Crazy Dayz and snapped a picture of these lovelies with the building in the far background that my mom's dad owned.
And the after shot of the barn.
We got to go up to Marley Creek 2 times..YAY!!! We all love it up there and Grandpa was kind enough to bring the guns and 4 wheelers both times even though there were less of us the second time. Grandma as usual prepared a grand feast picnic for us all to enjoy.
We three took a 4 wheeler ride to the top of Beckham lane and snapped a beautiful selfie...darn me for leaving my selfie stick in Las Vegas:(
I kept Moxon feeling secure while the kids were all shooting. He did not like those guns at all!
Cynjyn bonded with Remi.
It was sad when Randy and his family headed back to Rigby. It was so nice to spend a few days with them.
Grandma took us to the used book store and bought us each a book. Cynjyn loves the cat that lives there and is so friendly.
Cynjyn had summer school until July 23 and so that was a pain, but she managed to finish it all and get an A so I guess that was worth it! but still a pain.
We managed a jont into Pendleton and ate at Matzatlan and then got a Big John's pizza to take back to LG for dinner that night. And of course Hal's ice cream cone on the way out of town and Up with Donuts boxed up for later.
Cynjyn started her math packet that is due the first day of school for honors geometry. Grandma was almost giddy with excitement to help her and spent a few hours making an answer key and then an hour or so each day helping her.
One last trip to Marley Creek...
We rode up Beckham lane again.
Why do I always have to eat her dust??
Even Grandma and Grandpa took a ride and Krissy joined them.
Grandpa let us target shoot the 22's and I am happy to say I hit the target every time.
And Cynjyn hit it almost every time.
Rides in the back of the truck to see the elk is a must!
These three stopped to see the buffalo on their way home.
We had a family breakfast before we headed out to North Powder for the huckleberry festival. Trampis girlfriend Jess joined us.
The miss if you blink town of North Powder was a bust this year for the huckleberry festival, but we arrived happy and ready for an adventure.
We enjoyed the elephant ears and huckleberry ice cream sandwich and milk shake that we all split.
And these two got their faces painted and loved that.
Another nice evening on the porch.
We had more carrots and attempted to get the horses to come and eat.
A little ride up Ladd Canyon in the back of the truck.
following these two who got to ride the 4 wheelers up the hill.
Resting in the peace and quiet of the meadow.
Selfies in the meadow.
Pictures in the meadow.
And finishing off the day in the hot tub.
Then it was back to Vegas for us because Cynjyn had a play to perform in coming up.
1 comment:
I never get tired of our fun summer adventures!!
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