Wednesday, October 10, 2018

June Little Things

So Cynjyn started her summer intern this month. She has a seven week stint working for Arcata's corporate office. She claims she wasn't too excited, but the money will be worth it. This was her first day of work.  It was also my week for running concessions for cub scout day camp and reuniting with Jaxon after being gone for 10 days. We went to story time at the library.

Toni, Shawna and I shopping at Restaurant Depot for the cub scout day camp family dinner. It is freezing in the freezer so we put on their coats and spent a good amount of time in there. We ended up doing a taco bar and of course had our what is now traditional ice cream for dessert. It was hot enough outside to heat our shells and tortillas! It was a bittersweet camp because it was Shawna's last one as she is moving to St. George in July.  Kendall Cichoski is our new secretary and just also happens to be Toni's sister in law.

We took a day to go help Talon put up a new Pergola that he'd ordered. I watched Jaxon while they worked away in the heat. We started about 7:30 am and were done by 1:30. Talon took us to Habit Grill for lunch afterwards.

Cynjyn got to spend a week working in Garry's department, so they were able to carpool to work. During that week, they got to do a tour at Nellis Air Force Base and Garry took a lot of photos of Cynjyn there. 
We moved everything out of the craft room to do the flooring there.

Tanner and I went over to Talon's one day that he had off to play some games.
We also had a game night at Shafer's and Madeline is still in love with Tanner.

Cynjyn finally had to give her first ever talk in Sacrament meeting on Father's day!!  Tanner got a key chain and cookies in EQ for the big day. Talon and Mikel came over for dinner.

Cynjyn had her portrait sitting for her Year book senior pictures photos. Random photos of Talon and son and Cynjyn's first paycheck! Spending as much time with Danielle before she leaves on her mission later this month. Garry and I went to the temple, sleeping Jaxon and a trip to Tuachan to watch Cinderella. Babies bonding, dance team bonding and uncle and nephew bonding.

And that is June!

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