Monday, February 11, 2019

The biggest project of the year!

Our biggest project of the year I saved until my very last post. We started this project in February and finished it maybe like October. It took so much time but it was so worth it in the end. We seldom do things just for us and we realized this as we were selling our old house. We did so many home improvements to make it sell able and then we didn't get to enjoy any of the improvements. Garry got a huge bonus this year from work and we decided to just go for it and spiff up the house we were living in so that we could enjoy the fruits of our labors. We first decided to take all the carpet out of the bedrooms and replace them with the wood flooring from Sams. This was something Garry and Tanner could do on their own.  We then ripped out all of our carpet in the living areas of the house and painted everything. We hired a man in our ward, Jr Megher to paint all the vaulted stuff, that took two weekends and then Garry and I painted all the rest of the house taking about a month to do it all. During Spring Break, we had new carpet installed. We got the highest grade of carpet and padding and now our carpet is so soft and plush and comfy! We all love it!  Next was our master bedroom and bath. Garry added to our entertainment center and painted that all white. We finished our project with the re haul of the craft room with Garry making more custom shelving and painting the room and furniture. It is absolutely fabulous to live here now and be organized and clean.  Our last project will be to tackle the garage! But that will be in 2019!

The Bedrooms:

Painting the Living Area:

New Carpet:

The rest of it all:

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