Talon has been plagued with injuries this year in volleyball. He pulled all the muscels in his lower back diving for a ball and running into the pole. Here he is attempting to feel better using the antigravity chair. He went to the La Jolla tournament and he and Trevik were both diving for the same ball and Trevik kicked him in the head and the impact bammed his head into the floor and he hit the top of his head and it knocked him out for about 40 seconds. He had a killer headache for a few days and couldn't play the rest of the tournament because he was seeing double and feeling very woosy. Not a very fun Senior year in volleyball so far.
I'll bet if this keeps up, Talon will be afraid to play volleyball! The back thing totally messes a person up and I'm surprised he can play at all. The headache doesn't sound fun, either! "break a leg is supposed to be good luck, so should I dare say "break a leg"???
Krissy says, "I hope he is healthy and ready to play well on May 1st and 2nd!"
Doesn't Rosie do something like this for depression?
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