Why the lady behind me has a blanket, I don't know??
The show started before dusk and we literally had front row seats. We couldn't get 7 together, so Talon and Tiffany were about 5 people away from us, but we were front and center!!
Our favorite part of Tuachan is getting to meet the actors after the show. We stay in our seats until the crowd disappates and then we meander up and meet the cast. Here is a gorilla.
This is Tarzan's mother, she has such a short part at the beginning then she's dead. The man was Jane's dad.
This is Turk, his little friend, the comic relief.
This boy played little Tarzan and his real name was Talon G!!
We snagged this photo at the end on our way out.
The other play Tuachan is doing is CATS, but we aren't going to it. Garry and I saw it along time ago and it wasn't our favorite, so we didn't bother this year. After we got back to Vegas, we all watched the Disney version of Tarzan together because Taz and Cynjyn don't remember ever seeing it, that was fun to compare it to the play. This was a great family activity!
Awesome!! We've GOT to see another show there (Carol's been but it was hot and not real enjoyable) and get front row seats.
Will you adopt me and my kids?
We keep saying we're going to go to a show, but so far I've only been there the one time. I agree with the above--will you adopt me (just me, you don't have to adopt the rest of my family.)
Your kids will never be able to say you never did anything with then! What fun! I almost missed this post! Didn't see it at all until today.
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