I love summer. I love having the kids off for 2 months. I love coming up with things to keep them occupied. This summer, we are doing BINGO cards. The kids get a card Sunday night and they have until Saturday night to complete it. Each card is personalized to match each kid. As they finish off a row, they get a ticket. The tickets can be redeemed for certain things. If they complete the card with a blackout by Saturday night, they get $5.00. These are the rules: When they get up in the morning, they have to make their bed, pick up their dirty clothes and put shoes away and practice the piano. When those everyday chores are done, they can start their card. A square common to all three cards is "exercise for 30 min." "Play a board game with your siblings" "read for 30 min." "cook dinner" and "make a treat from a recipe". Then, Cynjyn has things like: Practice math facts for 30 min. Do a Faith in God requirement, Read an article in the Friend. Taz has things like: Do 100 volleyball sets, sweep and mop a room, vacuum the stairs and practice his Saxophone. Tanner's card has: Read AP History book for 1 hour, Read an article in the New Era, write in your journal, wash the cars. Each time they do a requirement, the get a sticker. Their tickets are good for: 1=ice cream treat, 2=extra hour tv or video game time, 3=movie rental, 5=sleepover. So far the kids have had fun doing their things and Cynjyn told me yesterday that everything she accomplished made her feel good about herself and she felt much better than watching TV all day.

Here are Taz and Tanner playing a board game together (Heroscape).

Tanner's bed is made for the first time all year practically.

Cynjyn is passing off "read your book for 30 min. in a secret place" She chose the pot shelves in the stairwell.

Tanner chose to make something in the kitchen and is making Tapioca for dinner. He got so bored waiting for it to boil that he pulled the computer chair over and sat while making it.

Taz is doing P90X abs DVD for his 30 min. of exercise a day. This was today, yesterday, we all including Talon and I, did the P90X plyometrics DVD together. It's all about jumping and working out the legs. I am so sore today!!

Tanner decided to join him even though he had already done his exercise by going to volleyball this morning. I know it's only day two, but so far the kids are embracing it and it does give them something to do every day that is a little different, yet they still fell they have some choices. If anyone is interested in the BINGO card word doc. Let me know and I can email it to you and you an personalize it for your own family. Happy summer!!
OKAY, I LOVE THIS AND I'M GOING TO DO IT!!! I am already sick of nagging the kids, and they have only been out of school since Friday. I LOVE YOU KIM!
I want the card too. I only have Gavin out right now but the others are about to go on track break and then there is next summer....
Once again, you are so original! What a great idea, and it looks like the kids are having fun. Keep up the good work!
So creative! Any ideas for a two-year-old? :)
I wish I'd had this for my kids when they were younger. Summer break was challenging to come up with things for the kids to do. As always, you are amazing!
ooh! i really really love your idea. i so think i am going to totally copy this one. thanks so so much for sharing.
Add me to the "I LOVE IT!" crowd! Especially with one kid, it seems like when he's bored, I have to be the one to entertain. How fun just to be able to make him responsible for finding something on the Bingo card! THANK YOU!!!
oh, dem's some lucky kids, you have there!!
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