Friday, February 2, 2018

Halloween 2K17

This Halloween as epic for us! Tanner and Cynjyn wanted us to theme this year, they wanted to be the four horseman of the apocalypse.They had been designing and gathering stuff all year and finally it was close enough to assemble everything.  There were flowers to be tea stained and burned,
capes to paint,
Frightdome's to attend,

dresses to be distressed,
feathers to be applied,
and more distressed flowers burned and added.
The whole thing was quite a production and Tanner especially had a great time designing and making his costume.
I found some wings at Goodwill and distressed them.  I wanted to be a fairy horseman. 
It took forever to glue Tanner's feathers on and it took a lot of them. They came in rows and we ended up buying 4 sets of feathers at about $17 for 5 yards-needing 20 yards.

In the meantime between costume making, Cynjyn and Trevor had a carving contest. 

This was Cynjyn's...
This was Trevor's.

Cynjyn was pegged to do all our makeup and she was prepared. We bought special face paint and laytex and blood, she practiced on Tanner because he wasn't sure exactly what his look was going to be.

I made a game for our trunk or treat, they shot NERF guns at this.  We originally thought we weren't going to be able to dress up.  Our Trunk or Treat was scheduled for the same night as Thriller, but then they moved it to Halloween night and we were in!
I had some fun with a photo app I have.

Tanner at the last minute decided to make himself a staff, we were all holding something so we wanted Tanner to and so literally a few hours before Trunk or Treat, he was making a staff.

And...the final results: War horseman

Famine horseman
Pestilence horseman
Death horseman

Tanner's staff

Cynjyn's rat skull staff
My scales

The Jex had done a day of the dead theme and had these adorable cutout photo booths that Ruth had made.

We go honorable mention for best costume (basically best themed costumes) Hadley Tanner won best costume with her Maleficent costume, she was adorable!
Talon, Jaxon and Mikel joined us at our T or T, as the Lilo and Stitch gang.
Cynjyn dressed up with band friends for school.  Her friends mom made them all poodle skirts. Here she is with Megan and Ashlynn.

In the end it was super fun to design, make and dress up themed as a family for Halloween. We spent way too much money on our homemade costumes, but the satisfaction and memories made was worth it all!

(Carmen met us there for a little while too)

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