Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Jaxon and Camdyn Augugst 2020

Now that I don't watch the boys every day, I have to rely on photos that Mikel texts me or just snapping away when they visit each week. I will take what I get. Camdyn likes to chew on everything. He is cutting teeth and really goes to town on his chewing toys. He still isn't rolling over much but he does sit up pretty good. His hair is getting super long, but Cynjyn and I begged Mikel not to cut it because we are going to do family pictures in October and I really want to remember his hair at this stage in life before his first hair cut. So she has resorted to putting it up in a band or clip to keep it out of his eyes. Jaxon still loves all things Rock Band. He wants to be a rock star when he grows up (and a doctor). Apparently Camdyn loves playing slap jack! And lastly in the videos, Camdyn is mostly happy when someone is bouncing him. It's his favorite thing to do! And a few videos of Jaxon.



Sour things


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