We didn't go to Indiana Jones on opening day.

Even GARRY doesn't go to any of his beloved Comic Book movies on opening day.

I'm not even going to Twilight on opening day. (Although we are going the next day, Saturday with a bunch of other couples...CAN'T WAIT!)

Yet, I, a 43 yr. old woman was at the above movie on OPENING DAY! Taz and Cynjyn had been talking about it for weeks and knew exactly when it came out, so being the good mom that I am, we went, on opening day, to a matinee. I EVEN took them out of school 30 min. early to get to the 3:45 matinee. We went with a group of HSM3 "groupies", 5 kindergarteners, 2 preschoolers, 1 infant, 1 2nd grader, 5 5th graders, 1 8th grader, two "other graders" (I'm not sure what grade) and 5 moms. We took up a whole row. What I won't do for my KIDS (yes, we drug Tanner with us and MADE him go (wink wink)).
What a great mom!
if you ever come through Salt Lake, stop by and we can go to East High (the place where, I'm sure Taz and Cynjyn already know, they filmed the movie). You too can walk where Zac Efron walked :). (They do tours, but only after 3 p.m. during the school year).
I am so jealous! I still haven't seen it. Yes, I am the only adult I know that LOVES the HSM movies. I can't get anybody to go with me though now that none of my nieces and nephews live nearby! I might have to go by myself!
Kris--you've never asked me! I'd go! I'm a kid at heart! Was it good, Kim? I'm sure poor Tanner was bummed! I'll bet it was fun going with "the crowd!"
This post cracked me up! I, too, would like to know if it was good?
And Kris, I know one of your nephews who lives close and would love to be away from his mother for a couple of hours. :)
You went for "your kids?" Right!! Good mom.
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