And all through the house, the creatures were sturring and hurring about.
Tanner was up at the crack of dawn and quickly turned into a dead hiker spawn.
Off to school he went for the day, and Garry stayed home from work to help, I do say.

The day started for Cynjyn as any typical day might, but soon enough she was turned into a fright. No Princesses or fairies for this little one, she'd rather be a zombie making everyone run!

There was never any doubt as to what Taz would be, as soon as he saw The Dark Knight, it was plain to see. He woke up pretty glum, but at soon as the make up was on, he was totally into the fun. He went around the house saying "Let's put a smile on your face!" Then off to school they did both race.

Halloween time comes around every year, and the memories and fun times we will always hold dear. So this is all I have left to say: Happy Halloween to all and to all a good day!
What a dad to get up early just to put the makeup on the kids! You guys have so much fun on special days. costumes were always a real chore for me, since I have no creativity about such things, so it's fun to see how much fun you have on Halloween!
I've been anxiously awaiting your Halloween posts, and you did not disappoint!!! I love how everyone totally gets into character. Great job on the poem too.
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