Last Saturday was our very last pinewood derby. Taz will turn 11 in August and will move into boy scouts. His car is #64, the gold one. These are the cars from the boys in our ward. We will never have to do another pinewood derby car!!

Taz ended up taking third among our ward and so we had to return to the church that evening because he qualified for the stake run-off. He didn't place in the top 5 in that, but a boy from our ward took 1st place in the whole stake!!

These are the cub scouts in our ward!
I was soooo glad when I didn't have to do Pine Wood Derby's any more. I only had one boy, thank goodness.
Well, I did McKay Creek pie socials for 23 years. I said I would never go to another, and then I took grandkids! I also rejoiced over no more pinewood derby's and then I had to be the only one who could go with Trampis! But it was fun. . . so don't rejoice too soon!
ps--good job, Taz!
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