As I came downstairs I noticed the family picture wall looking like this and immediatly went to ask Taz why he obliterated Tanner's pictures with NERF darts?? He said he was mad at Tanner because last night he wouldn't let him play with his IPHONE!!

Since the lunch basket was still on the counter, I took the chance to refill it with some recent lunch purchases. (This is the lunch basket that they are not allowed to snack out of, it is only for lunches. The kids have to have a sandwich or yogurt, fruit and then they can pick a "goodie" out of the lunch basket!)

I took the two healthy kids to school and said good-bye to Taz...

Good-bye to Cynjyn...

Then came home and went on my walk!

I spent the morning doing some laundry, painting my nails and putting some nail art stickers on them that I "borrowed" from Cynjyn (she got some for Christmas).

I had bought a few days before some ground beef that was on sale at Smith's, so I boiled that up and bagged it in one pound bags and stuck it in the freezer for future quick dinners.

I went to lunch bunch and even had my camera in my purse and forgot to take pictures. Lunch Bunch is a mid-week enrichment activity where once a month, our group meets at various restaurants around town for lunch and conversation. I love this mid-week activity and always go. We had a small group today: Janice Reese, Debra Degraw, Laverne Reid, Lea Berenyi and me, but it was at Claim Jumper and we had fun conversation! Then I took Taz to his orthodontist appointment, Cynjyn stayed here with Talon and Tanner. Garry took a group of youth to the local homeless shelter to feed the homeless (this is a service project our ward does twice a year). By now, I am completly forgetting to take pictures (sorry Carol), everyone fended for themselves for dinner since Talon and Tanner were sick, Garry was gone and Taz, Cynj and I weren't very hungry. So there you have it, you can wake up now that you've fallen asleep from my boring routine day!! Hope you had a nice nap:)
I think we all think our own lives are so boring, so that's why we read other people's blogs. Or because we're just nosy.
I do the ground beef thing too, with chicken as well, it's such a time saver!
I'm a little/lot nosy AND boring. This was fun! I loved seeing what you do and I have to say, I am jealous. Lunch with friends, cooking, walking, and I love that basket thing you do. Thanks for showing me what a day in the life of Kim is like.
Never a boring life...
That was the cutest post...
I'd forget all day to take pictures...you did a great job!
I like your beef idea...never thought of that...but, my freezer is still full of those darn turkeys (call me when you want a turkey and I'll trade you for some beef!)
You actually get a lot done in a day You deserve lunch out with the girls once a month Nice nails! It's actually a fun idea!
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