We had our last Blue and Gold banquet. It was just a birthday celebration with cake and ice cream, no dinner. Each boy got to decorate a cake and bring it home. Taz came up with the Cub Scout fleur. I thought he did an excellent job and the cake was good too.

His last science fair project was turned in yesterday. He tested food to see if they were acidic or not. He made a solution out of red cabbage and boiled water and if the food was acidic, it turned the solution red, if it was a base food it turned the solution blue-green, if it was neutral, no change. We are glad to have that out of our hair!!

He took all the pictures himself!!
Pretty cool experiment Taz!
What a neat project--amd what a neat kid! (handsome, too : ))
That last comment, and this one too, is from Gwen
He is so cute! Looks like he did a really nice job on the cake and the science project. I'm so glad I don't have to stay up into the late hours working on science projects anymore!
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