One of Garry's summer projects was to paint Taz and Cynjyn's room. They had 4 walls, two bright pink and two bright green. They were ready for a makeover. They wanted to do an Asian theme, so they wanted red and gold. Garry painted their room red and then when we got back in August, we were ready to decorate. We finally finished last night.

Last month, we got a new dresser for them on Craig's List. It had this mirror attached to it that I really liked. The mirror has 4 little shelves on the sides. Cynjyn put two of her fairies that she has been getting from Grandma for Christmas on the top two shelves. She's hoping to add to them as she gets more fairies. Her tea pot collection fits right by the mirror and they are pretty protected from getting broken.

Garry found a website that converted their names in chinese. This is Taz, it says: Kong Tai Zhi, it means: Great, exaulted, superior; purpose, will determination. We took a canvas and spray painted it gold, then I blew up the writings and transfered them on with a pencil and Garry went over it with a sponge brush and black paint.

This is Cynjyn. It says Gan Shuai Yu. It means: graceful; Jade, precious stone, gem. We took the white shelves that they had and spray painted them gold and the brackets that hold them. We all love the look.

I found some gold window shams that I found before we got the dresser, now the dresser covers them, but they still add to the look. They each have their own side of the dresser and share the top middle drawer which holds dance and sports wear.

By the closet, we put a scroll that they got from Uncle Brian, two pictures we made, the three fans; the middle one being from their great grandma, and a set of mini chinese lanterns that Tiffany and Talon bought them. Right now they don't have closet doors, but Garry has found them in the garage and we will eventually put them back on.

I took a corkboard and covered it with some asian material and put some gold ribbon around to frame it. This is hanging on their door.

Here's a close up of the scroll. Brian got it when he was in Japan.

One morning, we made Taz dress up as a Ninja and Cynjyn as a Geisha. We took their pictures and chose our favorite poses. We doctored them a little in Photoshop and then printed them out, took a canvas and spray painted it gold and then Hodge Podged the pictures on. We all thought they turned out so cool looking and when you first look at them, you don't notice they are Taz and Cynjyn.

These are the fans.

Here are the mini lighted lanterns. They look cool in the dark and give a little illumination to the room along with the lava lamp on the dresser, it really sets a mood.

Now, our next goal is to make new quilts for the beds. We think it's time to get rid of Spiderman and Disney princesses and we are on the hunt for some cool Asian material. But in the meantime, here is a big shot of the final look. Just a side note, Garry covered Cynjyn's little lamp by her bed with the same material as the corkboard. Everyone is very pleased with the new look. Taz and Cynjyn feel so much more "mature" now too.