Cynjyn and I decided to whip up a craft we saw on a blog the other day. She helped me cut out and decopauge the letters and she did a wonderful job.

After they dried, I added ribbon and buttons and wala, came up with this!!

I had made these mailboxes last year for my visiting teachies, but never delivered them. So I finished four of them yesterday morning and went off to do my visiting teaching. I think they turned out cute. I kept one for me to keep by my LOVE sign. I love seeing my Valentine decor on my mantle!!
Very cute! BTW-I haven't forgotten about the cookbook, just not-so-swift, sorry!
Cute, cute! Cynjyn will be crafty like her mom! Wish I was crafty like her mom, too!
crafty - crafty - nifty - nifty.
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