I got my new washer and dryer delivered Monday night. That is the good news. The bad news is that I've done 6 loads of laundry since Monday night. The good news is that it's actually fun now with the new set. The bad news is I'm sure that funess will wear off soon.

More good news: Tonight I will read the last chapter of Harry Potter 3 to Cynjyn. The bad news: I have to wait for more HP fix because C has decided to read some different books for awhile. The good news: now that she's finished the book, we can watch the movie this weekend!!
Nice washer and dryer!
Yeah for your good news! And, I'm glad your bad news wasn't terrible. I was a little worried!
If you want more fun (before it wears off) we can always leave our laundry at your front door step. About .10 per item?
Your good luck is running stronger than your bad luck!
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