Well, I have to first start out by saying: Aren't teenagers fun. Tanner was at the church Saturday playing volleyball, Taz, Cynjyn, Garry and I were at the mall buying Taz a suit for the cruise next week. (We'd gotten Tanner and Garry new ones last year.) Tanner text's me and says he needs to some poster board and some Christmas stuff to do a poster by Monday. Finally we hooked up around 4 and found out he had to do a poster on his English research paper which was on Old England Christmas Traditions. He had talked about Holly and hollyberries and yule logs and bells and Lords of Misrule and carols and plum pudding. Well, I thought we could get a lot of that stuff from a cricut cartridge. I didn't have any Christmas ones, so I called Carol and she came to our rescue as I knew she would, and loaned us three. We spent Saturday evening cutting everything out on the cricut. Then he and I glued and puff painted during the super bowl. This is how it turned out. The boarder and the top three things were done by cricut, the bottom three, we just printed off the computer.

Our whole family had fasted Saturday night for a girl in our ward who needs help with hives. So by the time we got home from church, we were all pretty hungry. I even had a lil smokie in my hand ready to eat as soon as we did a family prayer to end our fast for Sarah. So, we ate just as the National anthem was starting. Here's Talon and Tiffany eating amongst the spread.

Taz and Cynjyn were staked out right in front of the TV.

Garry put up a little table for us three.

After eating we settled into watch our game. Taz had his "Saints" blanket. He Talon and Tanner were rooting for the Saints and the rest of us were Colt's fans because of Austin Cowley (or however you spell it).

Tiffany Facebooked and napped. Tanner pretended like he cared until Garry gave him the laptop. Talon and Garry and Taz paid the most attention and lasted through it all.

Garry played farmville and I napped on his shoulder and then helped Tanner and then read.

Cynjyn cheered for about 10 min. and then went into the kitchen and resorted to Nickelodeon. Since none of us really had "our team" in the game, we were actually all happy for New Orleans! It was a good day.
PS: Updates on resolutions and piles: I've begun tackling the pile in our closet, almost ready for pictures. And I finished the January Ensign on February 1st!! Yay for me:)
I can't get excited about the Super Bowl, except last year when Krissy had her little SB party with great snacks. Maybe I just need a friend/relative to host a party and invite me over! We were eating dinner in Ontario at El Erradara, and were the only ones there for most of the time. The waiter/cashier said, "no one eats here on SB Sunday because we don't have TV. Then he asked us if we were excited about the game and I said no. He looked at me really crazy! oh, well, I'll wait until one of my grandkids plays in the SB and then I'll watch!!
Wait! Are you guys going on another cruise? Glad the cartridges came in handy for you--looks nice!
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