The boys had a merit badge clinic the last two Thursdays in September. I had seen a homemade washer and dryer pedastal at my friends house. I told Garry to add it to his "honey do" list of things I NEEDED him to make for me. Luckily, the MB clinic was offering old, merit badges to celebrate 100 years of scouting. Tanner and Taz decided to take carpentry. One of the assignments was to make something out of scratch by yourself out of wood using tools. They could pick from three or four different projects and they were going to do them the second Thursday. Well, Taz had a football game the second Thursday at 8:00 and would have to leave the MB clinic early. So, during the week, Garry had him make my washer pedastal while he made the dryer one. We had to take pictures for the MB counselor, so here he is in the process of building my pedastal.
Love them!! I already emailed Jay and put in my carpentry request. He said over the weekend he wanted a project and that is a perfect one.
Great idea.. don't show Carol :-)
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