Friday, April 17, 2009

Flashback Friday

So, my friend Carol challenged all of us to post a picture of our past crazy hair days. This picture isn't very high quality, but it does showcase my crazy perm hair days. This is 1981 and I was perming my straight hair. Now, I have to caviat this with the fact that after I had kids, my hair changed and became wavy and curly, almost like I have a perm. Now I'd give anything to have that straight hair back that I always permed!!

In the above picture, it is me, my brother Randy, my sister Ky, my baby sister Krissy and I think the middle girl in Julene (help me out with that someone!!).


Carol Swift said...

I remember how easy that permed hair was--wash and wear! Loved it, but can't picture me doing it now even though I'd love the ease of it. Thanks for meeting the challenge to expose your former hair. :o)

kc and k said...

You got everyone correct except it's not Krissy. It's our cousin Ami.

The permed hair... CLASSIC! I can't believe that look was so popular.

garrynkim said...

I stand corrected! At closer glance by golly, it is Ami! Now, my next question is where are we?

kc and k said...

My guess is the 4-H center in the field behind the main lodge, maybe at a reunion?

Krissy T. said...

Yep, not me. I'm sure it was a family reunion of some sort. And yes, you are with Juliene and Ami.

gwen said...

Id say Ky is right--Julie and Ami at the 40H center at a Hendrickson reunion! Fun. You were (and are) beautiful!