My cute sister Ky had her second baby this morning: Beckham La Grande Thurston was born at 8:25 am and weighed 7 lbs. 7 oz. and was 20 1/4 inches long. He joins his big brother Kresimir, dad Clay, and mom Ky. We are so happy he is here and everything seems well!!
Congratulations to them! What a cute name!
I am also glad he is here! Kresimir had a little breakdown at least once a day for "Mama, Daddy", and this afternoon was downright balistic. So, we took him to the hospital and let him stay for a couple of hours! Beckham is a CUTIE!
I'm so glad you posted about Beckham. I have been wondering how Ky was doing and when that little man would make his entrance. Please give Ky my love as I cannot get access to her blog for some reason....
BTW I love checking in on you. I remember when you had Talon, I remember him running around your parents house when he was tiny. It freaks me out a little how much time has gone by...
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