With the birth of Beckham, it really got me thinking about "cousins". We knew my sister was in labor Wednesday night. We were all excited and anxious to hear the news. We were all thrilled Thursday morning, but Taz and Cynjyn were with me when we got the text that Beckham had arrived! They started jumping up and down and squealing with joy. I was so touched that they would be so happy. I am so greatful that I make an effort to let my kids KNOW their cousins. We all live so far from each other that it is not possible to get together often. I envy those of you that have this opportunity. This is why I go home every summer for long periods of time. My kids know and love their cousins~that is why. My brother's have always been willing and happy to let their kids come to Grandma's for weeks on end during the summer too just because I am up their visiting~for that I am grateful. The first "batch of kids" are all getting older and involved in teenage stuff and so this summer I think it will be a little different. This makes me very sad. I am grateful for the new crop of "cousins" joining the family. It is my hope that we get to see them and know them just as much!! So, all that musing got me thinking of ME and MY cousins...

I am the oldest of 39 grandkids on my Dad's side of the family. When we were growing up, we all lived within about a 50 mile radius of each other and weekends were filled with visits to Grandma and Grandpa's house to see everyone. I loved all my cousins and I still do eventhough I was much older than most of them. I am so glad that we all stay in touch pretty much and still try to support one another when we can. Most of us have our own families and are in different stages of life, but it is nice to know there are people out their that share special memories that I have too. So this is a shout out flashback to all my cousins out there...I love you all and love hearing and seeing what you're doing at this point in your lives (this is easier when they blog, thanks to those of you who do!!) So, the above picuture was taken in oh, 1981, I'm guessing. I am the tallest and these are all the girl cousins who happened to be there that weekend!

These are all the boy cousins!! What fun times, what fun memories!
I didn't see my cousins very often growing up and only have a somewhat close relationship with one of them. You are so lucky to hang out with them and the rest of your family each summer.
I'll have to admit I was excited to marry into the family because I was already such good friends with all of the COUSINS!! Now as our family grows we're trying to figure out how we can make sure our kids get to know thier cousins even though they live far away...
You were lucky to be born into a family that enjoyed being together, having a dad who was the oldest son and believed in taking charge of getting everyone together, and having parents who LOVE to have you come home in the summer, and love to have All of the cousins gather! Who cares about the constant cooking and supervising and wall-to-wall blow up matresses? We love All of our children and grandchildren!
Great to see "older" family photos and of ones of large families. I had limited contact with some of my cousins growing up, none are continued today. :(
Those are some OLD pictures! I ran into some second cousins today that are very excited about this summer's reunion. I think I'll finally make it back for this one :).
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