Grandpa always loves to stop by the "straightest" tree on the land!! Cynjyn thought it was quite interesting.
When we got back up to the lane, 8 of Billy's horses had made their way over to the truck and 4 wheeler trailer. They were so friendly, they just stayed by us, curious at everything around us. Taz and Cynjyn were really wishing they had some sort of treat to share with them, but alas, we had nothing.
They took quite an interst in our 4 wheeler, licking it and sniffing it. We hated to leave them, they were so beautiful!
Mom and I try to walk in the cemetary everyday. The kids like to go with us sometimes because there are two lonley horses that pasture right up by there. Grandma usually buys a bag of carrots and lets the kids feed them. This summer though, we've had a lot of watermelon, so she's been saving the rinds and they love eating them as a special treat. The kids have even named them. Here's Taz feeding Chocolate (or sometimes they call him Brownie).
Taz looks like I do when I help Grandpa fence! I usually fall asleep waiting...
I always willingly let Kim go check the cows instead of me because the pasture is really rocky. It was a special treat for the friendly horses to come over, since all of the kids love horses!
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