I have been home a week and a day now. But, as usual, life has been crazy. I finally have time to update the ole blog. The last two weeks we were in Oregon, my mom's Internet was not working, so that is why this are past due. This is what we did our last two weeks of summer bliss: We took another quick day trip to Wallowa Lake so Trampis could boat. Taz and Brian had broke the old tube, so Grandma bought a new one that the kids loved! We also enjoyed some bounties of the local farmers market, celebrated three August birthdays: Kres, Aug. 10, Grandma Aug. 12 and Taz Aug. 15. Our last week, Tanner showed back up for a Waite family Reunion. Every two years, my dad's side of the family has a reunion. It is his mother's siblings and their descendants. Well, this year, (an off year for that), my dad decided to do his Father's siblings and their descendants. That would be my grandfather Elden La Grande Waite. He had 4 brothers and a sister. The ironic thing is that in July, my grandfather's sister, the sole survivor of the siblings, passed away at age 92. We had a good turnout though. Now, I 'm sad to say that I don't know this side of my relatives as well as the other side. But, my dad grew up with these cousins and they all had a ball getting back together. Trampis and Randy came up for one day and Trampis even noticed my dad's demeanor by commenting: "Is it my imagination, or is Grandpa down right CHEERY, I don't think I've ever seen him this cheery!" It was truly fun to watch all of them reconnect and reminisce and enjoy being with each other!! That in and of itself is what makes this reunion worth all the extra time, labor, and money that my dad and mom put into it to make it go. So, without further adieu:

We were quite the gang this summer. Ella spent so much time with us, she became a "GOON!" And our sweet little Beckham, we're sure going to miss him. (Kres had already hit the hay as this was a late night "party" in Grandma's cabin.)

Taz just loves getting together with Issak and Aryn Frewing. They are my cousin Amity's sons and they just really click. Taz is sitting by their dad Scott, and you can just see Amity's brother Brian on the left.

Tanner, Becks, Taz and Trampis "bonding".

Cynjyn LOVES her Uncle Randy!

Ella and Cynjyn on the slip and slide.

Taz and one of the Frewings.

Cynj and Kres.

Playing games and eating what else do you do at a family reunion??

The group picture of the people attempting the hike.

The birthday celebration: This is what Beckham thought of it!

Kris, Ky and I got grandma new curtains for her living room. She liked them!

Kres starting the opening frenzy. Taz didn't get much as Grandma had gotten him his cowboy outfit earlier and he wasn't getting one from us till he got back to Vegas. But he still got 4 small things.

Since Kres was turning three, he's been trying to get potty trained all summer. Taz was his personal trainer. Everytime Taz was with him and Taz had to go, he'd say:"Come on Kres, lets go potty." And Kres would go. One day at Grandma's he had to go "poopoo" which he's never been successful at doing in the toilet. So Taz hurried him to the pot and I got Taz a stool and a book to read him and Kres tried to do the duty, but a las, it didn't happen. BUT, Taz was so good with him all summer!

During a couple of days of downtime, Cynj and Taz picked out some fleece and made some fringed edge snuggle blankets for themselves. They both picked out the same front, but customized their own backside!

Our ride home from Wallowa was just at Sunset and the Sun and sky were gorgeous. I made Taz take a picture from the car window as we drove along. Oh, and ask Trampis how many different ways their are to sing "Once their was a Snowman!"

After a day of boating and our picnic, Taz and Trampis wanted to take a hike. So, Dad left with the girls and the boat and mom and I let Trampis and Taz hike up this hill. They loved it!

On the way back, we saw the group of big bucks in the picnic area and so Taz and Trampis wanted to see how close they could get to them. Wala!! Then, being the tween idgits that they are, they threw a pinecone at them and took of running.

The bucks basically ignored them, but they didn't know that! It was fun to see Trampis and Taz have a good time together without Tanner and Trey to interfere. They actually got a long quite well!

Trampis' injury from his last boat ride. From what I hear, Grandpa gave them the wildest ride of their lives!

This is how they looked afterwards, just sleeping in the car while the girls took their last ride!

After boating all day, we were all starving and we happy that Grandma and I had prepared a picnic with lots of sandwiches, salads and chips!

Al the tubers survived and deemed the day "awesome" and then new tube "the best ever".

Cynj and I snacking on donuts waiting for our turn on the boat.

Trampis and Taz in action. Their whole goal was to go out of the wake, and they made it!

Cynjyn is such a lite weight, she got airborn quite a few times.

The look of fear as they get on the new tube for the first time.

Ella, Cynjyn and I visited Chief Joseph's grave while waiting for our turn!

And finally, the spoils from the Farmer's Market. Cynjyn and Ella snapping beans and shucking corn.

Thanks mom and dad for a wonderful summer, and wonderful memories!
First: Yeah! You're back! I feel like you've been gone, like, forever from my blogging world. :O)
Second: From all the pictures, it looks like you had the best vacation ever. The slip-and-slide looks soooo fun! Even I would do it. Can't Garry rig up something like that for a party? :O)
Great blog--and that being said, "Why WOULDN'T you want to come to Grandma and Grandpas' for the summer?? Great times and great fun--thanks to all for coming!!
It was fun to see you all!
I was wondering if you had fallen into a hole or something since you haven't updated in such a long time! I love the pictures you took over the summer!
Speaking of falling into holes...
"Speaking of falling into holes. ." now that's a leadin for a story! Why don't you start a chain story like Carol did. Might be kind of fun. People could do a lot with "speaking of falling into holes.."
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