Garry likes (I say that liberally) to take on projects to keep him busy during the summers while we are in Oregon. The past few summers, he hasn't done much because with the kids being in year round school, we weren't gone too long. But now that they are all in 9 month school, we went for 6 weeks. I had a job for Garry while we were gone. But I'll post that later. It's still not quite finished. HE decided to tile the kitchen while we were gone. We'd been talking about doing it for a long, but with six people in the house, you kind of need access to a kitchen and the floor would take a few days to do. Well, the week before we came back, he decided to go for it. As a matter of fact, we came back a day early and he was just finishing up. So, here are some before and afters:

I'll admit that I like stuff on my counters. If I want to cook a crockpot meal, I don't want to stand on my head to get the CP out of a cupboard, but one thing Garry did was declutter all the counters. He found a spot for everything. Now my counters are clear and it makes the kitchen look a whole lot better. I'm not to happy with some of my drawers though, because he just shoved some things in them, but it does look cleaner this way.

Before the fridge was put back in.


Organized and clean looking!

This was our peel and stick floor that was about 10 years old.

Now, we have adorable tile. It is the same tile he put in our bathroom when he redid it. We just really liked it. It actually has some "sparkles" in it. Hints of gold glitter.


After. Needless to say, we all love it and he did a great job. Thanks hun!! I'll be posting the other project in a few days, stay tuned...
WOW!! It looks so great! How fun to have such a nice, clean, kinda-new kitchen!!!
You're lucky you posted when you did I was starting to get impatient waiting for the tile post :)
Nice! I love tile floors. Does he hire out for organizing? It would be a great side job for him! :O)
It looks great! Nice job Garry! I have been meaning to bug you Kim about blogging his summer projects--but I was expecting the kids room, not the kitchen! Be sure and blog the bedroom too...
Yes, yes, we're not quite finished decorating yet.
Looks great, like "while you were out" TV show!
lkkikI'm so impressed! But, Garry always does such a great job, no matter what he's doing! Very, very nice!
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